i am alive, for various definitions of the word "alive"

Jun 07, 2011 09:54

  • All foster cats and kittens are in their official homes. I am down to the usual 3 cats in my life, rather than the 8 I have had for the last month. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
  • The week with the Japanese Overlords is over, and all I have to deal with at work is the aftermath. :/
  • I haven't been able to run for an entire month because of the kittens. That changes this week! I have a training plan all ready to go for the Akron Marathon Relay (my 8-mile leg) and I am... not excited but at least ready to get back to running and yoga. I guess.
  • I am probably going to buy a Honda Fit this weekend. I really like that stupid car.
  • That's about it. Life is hard.

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this is not an entry, the weasleys, lists turn me on

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