all the things, or "Sev Has Become A Vibrating Ball Of Stress"

May 26, 2011 08:29

  • ACen was last weekend ~! It was a combination of awesome (Rina, raspberries, goofy cosplay, HOT FFXIII COSPLAY, booze) and suck (Chicago traffic, you can go to hell and build a snowman *FIRES MISSILES EVERYWHERE*) and I was a little stressy about everything in LIFE, but it was a fun con and I would like to do it again, properly, meaning I piss on the 90/94 Expressway as I fly into O'Hare in a GD airplane. It was my first time at ACen and while we didn't get to see a TON of con, mostly due to Friday's traffic shenaniganry, what we did see was pretty awesome. Also, seriously, why are FFXIII cosplayers SO HOT?
  • The kittens are going home this weekend. Two of them today, two tomorrow. I am the weirdest combination of happy and sad right now - happy because they have great homes and get to go in pairs; sad because they have to be split up and taken from mommy. This wonky emotional rollercoaster isn't helping my stress any. Stress which, by the way, comes from bouncing between 2 homes and caring for 8 living creatures, taking up every single remaining hour of my day. YAY.
  • Work is being obscene. Our biannual meeting with the Japanese Overlords is next week and everything is up in the air like a thunderstorm which OH YEAH, ALSO KEPT ME UP ALL NIGHT LAST NIGHT.
  • What else? Do I have anything else going on in my life other than stress and kittens? Someone remind me. :(

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exhaustion in list form, *dead*, kittens, i require alcohol, stress, kittens: the weasleys, drunken shenanigans!, acen 2011

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