Half Marathon: Week #9

Apr 12, 2011 11:33

Tempo Run / IntervalsLong RunEasy Recovery Runtotaltarget
Week #13.07 mi 5.4 mi 3.2 mi11.67 mi11 mi
Week #23.5 mi 4.85 mi 3.64 mi12 mi12 mi
Week #34 mi 6.6 mi 3.3 mi13.9 mi13.3 mi
Week #43.87 mi 7.5 mi 3.3 mi14.67 mi14.6 mi
Week #54.2 mi 8.9 mi 3.4 mi16.5 mi16 mi
Week #64.5 mi REST
Week #75.5 mi 6 mi 4.8 mi16.3 mi16 mi
Week #84.1 mi 9.3 mi 4.5 mi17.9 mi18 mi
Week #93.1 mi 8.8 mi 3.4 mi 15.3 mi15 mi

Week #9 was an impromptu rest week to recover from some general pain and minor leg injuries.

  • 3.1 miles - a tempo run, 0.5mi 'on' and 0.5mi 'off', where even the 'off' stretches were fast for me. I did the 5K in 28:40, which for my asthmatic butt AND on an injury is pretty good.
  • The 3.5 miler was supposed to be 5-6 miles, but I had an asthma attack. I blame allergies. Stupid tree sex.
  • So, my 8.8 miler. I wanted to get in a long slow run, but I also really wanted this to be a REST week because if I don't HEAL I'm not going to be able to run this race. So I set the interval timer on my wristwatch, and did 5 minutes of jogging / 1 minute walking, for 90 minutes. It was enough of a workout that I still feel relatively accomplished this week, but hopefully it wasn't so harsh of a strain on my calves that I got into more trouble.

Although that marks the end of Resting. The race is officially 5 weeks of training away!

This week's goals:
  • 10.5 miles, outside
  • 20 miles total

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/56030.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

half marathon training plan, running, series: healthblogging

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