Happy Fun Male Character Fic Request Week!

Aug 28, 2006 10:00

Note: this entry is fandom-only.

I'm probably going to hate myself for this, but - whatever.

So I've realized that I only mostly write female characters. This is probably because I like them best. However, I've decided that I need a bit of practice writing male characters, since writing them (other than Irvine, apparently) kind of scares me. So! This is where I hire other rabid fannits to present me with plotbunnies, plz.

Comment with a request. I write Final Fantasy fic based on any games from IV - X2. (Keep in mind, my fellow FFVII-girls, that my knowledge of BC/DoC/anything that's not game or AC is shaky at best.) Your request has to have a dude in it because this is the whole point. I will take a character or a pairing (and technically, the pairing can be hetero or homo, your choice). I will also take a setting, or a situation, or some other kind of prompt. I am not picky. I am asking for fun things. You can make as many requests as you want, really. Um, start with two?

will write you a (probably) 200-500 word ficlet based on your prompts. (Unless my brains run away with me, in which case you will get a novelette and can feel free to beat me with it.) This will be done this week in the order that they are submitted. I have a fairly boring week ahead of me, so this should be fun.

Even though they're short ficlets, I'd still appreciate hearing about it if I get any male mannerisms/characterization/etc right or wrong. The whole point of this thing is for my own good - to help me become more comfortable with guyspeak.

So, c'mon. Somebody give me something.

fandom, fic, still a loser

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