Aaand ... a rant.

Aug 24, 2006 08:41

An Article On The Marriageability Of Career Women And The Divorce Prospects Thereof. Plus, a rebuttal.

I actually stole this from metaquotes, in which there is an excellent response to this article which has been quoted here.

The (first) article quoted is, to be fair, a summary of statistics and findings from various marriage studies. I'm willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt; he is writing a paper based on some data, which he may or may not even give a shit about - all of us college students should recognize this! However, even a total dumbass in this day and age should have realized that he was basically writing cannon fodder: summarizing the data in this way is guaranteed to piss people off omg. His tone of voice denotes him as a wanker, basically. Sorry.

OK, here: women with degrees are more likely to be confident about themselves, their careers, their appearance, and, in general, their entire lifestyles. (This is a broad generalization. Do not wank.) Women with degrees are less likely to "need a man" - for financial support, for stability, for self-esteem, for the whole stereotypical nine yards.

Women with degrees are just as likely to want a man, but they are going to be looking for a different kind of happiness, one that they themselves cannot provide, because it requires two people. They will be looking for support, for acceptance, for happiness, and for love. (Not in that order perhaps). And shock! these are all things that the stereotypically-traditional man sure don't give a shit about supplying. I know my gender-stereotyping is showing here - that's the point. This is a broad generalization.

(Oh, okay. This argument doesn't take into account women who, in fact, want women. Don't wank. I am starting to think women who want women may be the smart ones and eventually will rule the world!!!.)

(1) So, yeah. Part of the point is hey! Men! Wake up and start thinking! If you want a woman to provide you with certain things, you should provide her with certain things. And if she doesn't want a house and money anymore cause she's got her own and/or could have her own, you may have to provide her with something else. Less tangible. Not all women are about money and things. And honestly, if you want one who is, more power to you -- that's Wife Swap material.

(And OMG! Women are running around with their coworkers and possibly having affairs because their men aren't interested in them / they aren't interested in their men? WOW, BECAUSE MALES HAVEN'T BEEN DOING THIS FOR CENTURIES.) [/snark] The counterarticle makes a good point. Men and women both have to work if they want to remain compatible and interested in each other.

(2) Also, WTF? Isn't marriage about love?!

OK, I know it's not in a lot of cases. I'm not that dumb. But isn't it supposed to be about love? About working together with somebody as a team for the rest of your life? Maybe the statistics are showing that a lot of women are getting married for the wrong dumbass reasons.

Again. Love. I'll quote myself: Men and women both have to work if they want to remain compatible and interested in each other. We've lost sight of this. We expect marriage to be as instant and as easy and as durable as our iPods. My gramma always claims that the real secret to a successful marriage is being able to work for it - being able to change when needed and stay strong when needed and always, always, to compromise and work together. AND TO FUCKING TALK TO EACH OTHER OMG.

Shite, people. Just ... shite.

Wow, tangents. Hi. Nice of you to drop by!

AAAAAAAAAANYWAY THE ARTICLE. Have a read, it'll at least keep you amused.

rants, don't marry a smart bitch, i can't make this shit up, people suck

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