Here's some of the views in Dublin. Taken yesterday at the St. Patrick's Day parade.
I have no idea what a giant T-Rex is doing there @_@
The marching band made following the parade easier. It was late by the time I reached there, so I could only catch it as it passed in front of College Green. The big building in the back is the Bank Of Ireland! Trinity's front entrance looks like it's twin! Almost...
Here's some non-parade pics. Just after I got bored of not being able to see =_=
Lookie! Jack Sparrow couldn't resist the lure of booze so he came to Dublin XD To teach people the art of applying eyeliner 8D
This puppet reminds me of Bob Marley, but it was dancing to a rock song 0_o I might be wrong though...
Horse-drawn carriages for hire outside St. Stephen's Green. The fenced in park on the right. I love the days when this big shaggy cart horse is there X3
I tried to record the music she was playing but I sadly need to work out how to use video on my camera D8 *flails*
A human statue!!!! 8D There's this other tin man who has steadily 'corroded' over the past year XD I must try to find him the next time I go into town...
And today it snowed! Again...
This is the view from my room window. All the white stuff is flakes. Damn, and I wanted to go to town later tonight to watch the fireworks T_T Arghh... freakish weather.
In other notes:
ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does that freaky African classmate of mine keep bugging me to hang out with him and be buddy buddy!? D8 Whyy meeee...