(no subject)

Nov 01, 2007 15:45

Well, today it happened, and I can say that I'm honestly not terribly surprised, or really put-out from it.. If anything, I'm mostly null to the occurence. What happened, you might ask? Easily enough answered:

I am no longer among the employed.

Much as it is going to be a pain.. As I said, I'm not really all that off-put. The reason given was pretty much: "I want you to know there's nothing personal with this. I know you put the effort out there. It's just a matter of either not enough getting done, or you just physically weren't able to keep up with it."

And y'know what? I'm fine enough with that. I'm actually rather glad that Bob mentioned the effort to me--Because lawd knows I did. He saw it, the entire crew saw it. Sure, I'd slack off on occasion, but seriously.. Who doesn't in that or any field of work? If anything, I daresay I slacked off less than most everyone. Not by much, but some. And, well, I just wasn't up to snuff for it. That suits me enough. I knew going into it that it'd be difficult, and that it'd push me. It just happens that I didn't get enough done.

I'm still satisfied with my results, even if it wasn't what was entirely wanted. I started late in the season, and for the first month of that, I was still getting myself into something resembling a decency of shape. By my last couple weeks, I want to say I was busting one and a half to two cords a day, and in all honesty.. That's all I was hired to do. With firewood sales going into a fever pitch right now, though, he needs more than that to be done each day, and simply put.. I'm not going to be able to do that. Period, end of story. I'm not that physically capable yet, and to tell the truth? More than two cord in a day and you're really busting your ass. I mean, holy hell. That's a shitload of wood. And at minimum wage.. I can't really be faulted for not killing myself in that manner.

Bob's got a business to run.. And if the sad fact is that I'm a weak cog in the works, right now, I can't blame him too terribly for replacing me. If he can find someone to do more than me for the same rate of pay, then I say more power to him and to my replacement. If not, well, sucks to be him. *Shrugs*

In any case of things, it was an amicable enough departure, and hopefully I can talk with him and see if I can work a bit of a boost to any future places I may apply to. Namely in less of a mention of "I was fired" and more to a "I was laid-off due to end of season". One has distinctly positive connotations--The other most certainly does not. So here's to hoping for that.

The other primary reason it doesn't really bother me too much is simply because I knew this was going to be coming anyway. He had told me end of season probably would be December 1st, and I knew I'd need to find new work as it is. I've been hunting on and off the past month or two, when time would allow. I dropped down about nine applications for positions at a couple places just the other day. Without work, it'll be difficult to keep things rolling, to be sure.. But at least I can devote more time to the job hunt, and some good, healthy sanity-time of unemploy. So long as this doesn't drag out into a lengthy stretch of unemployment, it can remain a healthy sanity-time, and I can boost myself back up and onto my feet in short enough order.

So. Cheers, people. May this posting find you all in good health. *Snaps a salute*

Oh, by the way. Cassie, if you read this.. Methinks the current song I'm listening to would work in well for Huntergame. It should be track 04 on the Matrix: Reloaded OST. Give it a listen, see if it'd fit. Methinks it might suit quite well.

I think I'm going to dance in my chair, now, and pretend to be a badass motherfucker. 'cause this song just does that.

And hey! For any who might have forgotten, NaNoWriMo started today! While I'm debating whether or not to try participating, I send my best wishes of good luck to all who will put themselves in that gruelling firing line!
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