Possibly my girliest post ever

Dec 06, 2006 18:53

You people finally converted me to BPAL, so now you get to answer my anxious question. If my order is "Awaiting shipment", does that mean it's boxed up and ready to go in the next post? Or that it is slowly being processed and I must root around and find my spare supply of patience? Because I only now noticed the "may take IN EXCESS of 14-21 business days" part, and 14 days from now I will be far from my snailmail until after New Year's. Do you think they're slammed since it's getting close to the holidays? I don't like the idea of my imps sitting out in the freezing cold mailbox for a week or more, or even worse sitting on my doorstep getting just as frozen, kicked around by stray cats, stolen.... But I don't want to cancel the order just in case, then have to go through all the waiting again.

With the impending arrival of new pretty-smellies, I am weeding out the old. Everything but my trusty lavender and recent nice Bath & Body Works purchases/freebies is up for using up or giving away. (miladygrey, expect to have a thing or two foisted off on you next time you're here.) I didn't realize how much stuff I had lurking - definitely more than two weeks worth of smelling nice, to say the least. I like all these pretty scents, but so often I'm in a hurry and just throw on some lavender, which never fails me (and, I think, is more relaxing due to scent-memory associations than for aromatherapy-type reasons.) Or my skin gets cranky and I switch to unscented bodywash and just keep using that. But now I'm determined to do some "spring cleaning" and keep it cleaned out this time. (It may be spring before I'm rid of some of this stuff. It's all too good to throw out, but I'm tired of it.)

Also, I have finally caved to the RSS thing and got a Bloglines. Like any other tech toy, it is immediately addictive and fascinating and I want to spend all my time playing with it. Those darn kids that need holds on their grades removed will just have to wait! ;) So far, I don't have much personalized stuff, just news, word of the day, and the like. It would be really great if I could get my flist as a feed. Only unlocked posts would show, but at least our resident spies wouldn't see me hopping on LJ a couple times a day. Though I am thisclose to starting a work journal to write about stuff that would bore you guys, which would also give me an excuse to be on there, and (in a backwards way) more icon space. How do those Blogger and WordPress people live with only one icon?

question, bpal, computers

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