(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 20:59

Last night, I was pleasantly half asleep when I felt what seemed like something stuck to my back tooth. The heck? I just brushed! I think. I poked at it to try to get it loose, and a piece of my tooth fell out! Mild swearing ensued as I rousted myself out of bed and to the bathroom. No blood, didn't hurt when I swished with water or with Listerine. But apparently my poor wisdom tooth was in bad shape and couldn't take it any more. It doesn't hurt, so the general consensus at home is it can wait a few days until I actually have time to sit in a waiting room filling out forms, get all drugged up, etc. I am, however, entirely paranoid about something getting caught in the weird little hole back there, and have become the queen of Listerine (scared to actually brush, as it might make something start hurting) after I eat anything at all.

This shouldn't happen to me! I'm 26 years old! I brush, I chew sugarless gum, I drink my milk and eat my veggies! Okay, so I haven't seen an actual dentist since... umm, high school maybe? But I mostly behave myself and am too young to have my skull start falling apart while I'm trying to sleep.

Furthermore, just you try finding a dentist that works Fridays! There is one waaaay down in City, but I am not taking my life in my hands in that traffic, nor can I spare the time to drive all that way. Another in town is open Friday mornings, but guess who got roped into working an extra half day this week to cover for someone's family obligations? Kind, caring me. No good deed goes unpunished. Hopefully, it won't hurt any more than a couple Tylenol's worth in the next week.

On a happier note, only half the people in class were prepared for presentations tonight, so we got out quite early. I picked up my ILL book and another book I needed that wasn't on the shelf last time, then hied myself to the cafe to drink a mocha and waste time on LJ look them over and figure out where the heck my paper is going. It is strangely quiet in the library. Usually there are people crowded around every study table, but tonight the place is nearly deserted. This is as strange to me now as was the constant crowdedness, no matter the time of day, when I first started here.

Off to act productive for a bit, then home to watch Alias. **Spoiler omitted** returns, squeeeee!


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