A gripe and a hello

Sep 24, 2010 20:28

After salad, garlic bread, pasta, and sangria, I am no closer to naming this fic. Please help, Fic Fairy! I need you! (This will make sense if y'all ever get to read said fic.)

Hi to all the people who have added me due to Sherlock fandom and related topics! I usually add people back, but I'm not so good at actually posting things very often. I've been away from LJ for a while doing other things and thinking thinky thoughts, so I guess it's time that a fandom sucked me back in. :) Nice to meet you and glad to be hanging out with you. And hi to all the old friends too. I do miss you when I'm off puttering around other parts of teh internets.

I'm going to go sacrifice a cup of tea to the fic-writing gods and see if that gets me anywhere.

sherlock, fic, food

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