Help me, flist!

Sep 11, 2010 15:52

I am looking for two things that have been lost to the wilds of teh intarnets, and I know somebody out there knows how to find them.

First, there was a Mary Russell fandom post a while back (possibly as much as a couple years?) on how being with Russell actually proves that Holmes is gay. (Yes, it sounds silly, but was surprisingly well-argued until you got to the end, where I felt that it really fell apart.) I need this essay! All I really remember is that it was on LJ and one of you linked to it.

Second, the icons of the Doctor's Girls chibis. I stupidly did not grab any at the time, and now I know they are so buried in icon comms that I couldn't possibly dig them out. Any clues? I was dumb and not thinking ahead in the slightest.

ETA: Thanks to kerlin's excellent use of tags, I found the essay! It was posted on Geocities, but was picked up by before that went dark. I give you The Russell paradox: The Mary Russell marriage as proof of Holmes's homosexuality? It is much longer than I remember, and you will need to highlight the entire page to read it, or even copy and paste it into a document: the font is light, so the original page probably had a dark background. This is going to take forever to get through, but maybe not so long to argue.

question, icons, holmes, russell, doctor who

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