LJ Advisory Board elections

May 27, 2008 21:20

Okay, people, I know that voting in an LJ election might not seem very important, but please take a minute to read the candidates' positions and visit fandom_votes for info about the fen who are running.

And then GO VOTE!!!

Then tell your flist to vote. We need a fannish candidate to win, not to solely push a fandom agenda, but to have a fandom voice included in the process along with other user concerns. This is our chance to really tell LJ what we want, what we need, and maybe (possibly? just a wee-tiny bit?) get them to wake up. What we don't need is a board member who doesn't care or who is virulently anti-fandom.

I say again, get informed, then go to the poll and VOTE! The deadline is midnight Thursday EDT, so don't put it off. :) Also, note that voting a straight ticket isn't helpful and you need to pick three different people. If you change your mind about a candidate in the next 48 hours, you can even change your vote here.


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