It's never as bad as you think it will be...

Jun 27, 2008 12:24

I love, love, love my new Primary Care Physician. For 15 years I've been going to my father's doctor, an older Indian man who I could rarely understand and who I loathed going to see. It was my own laziness and avoidance that prevented me from finding a new doctor... until last month. That's when I decided I wanted help with my depression, and I didn't want to go to the doctor I didn't care for to discuss something like that.

admiringdog recommended a local family practice to me, and the idea of a family practice appealed greatly. I'm not completely pleased with Mia's pediatrician office, so I'll switch her over eventually. The doctor I saw today shares my last name, is young, easy to talk to, straight forward and friendly. She gave me a quick physical and everything's in working order. I have orders for blood work and a sleep study, the latter of which I'm still loathe to do. My OB office wanted me to have one while I was pregnant, but I declined.

And, finally, she gave me a one month sample of Lexapro. It's in the same family as Paxil and Prozac, and has some side effects that I'm really hoping I don't suffer from, but we'll see in a few weeks. I have a follow-up appointment in a month to discuss the Lexapro, test results, and anything else.

I've never felt so comfortable with a doctor outside of the OB who delivered Mia. I adored her. It's nice to have medical professionals I feel I can turn to. Next hurdle: eye appointment. After that: dentist. I'll be putting that one off as long as humanly possible.

Otherwise I've gone to the grocery store, swept the kitchen, emptied the kitchen trash and cleaned the rabbit cage. I haven't unloaded the dishwasher or vacuumed the living room yet, and to be honest, I have zero desire right now. It's hot and gross out, I've been out all morning, and I'm starving. I went shopping having not eaten anything all day - bad, bad move. On the bright side, I have plenty of choices for lunch.

ETA: Oh, and I chased a groundhog today. He was on the side of the road, a little too close to cars for my comfort. I know that most people would swerve to avoid hitting him, but others are assholes and wouldn't give a damn if they struck him. So I pulled over, flipped on my flashers, and chased him into the brush. I got within about two feet before I started clapping and hollering to scare him away.

So cute. I <3 groundhogs.

health, domestications

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