Reasonably priced love...

May 07, 2004 16:29

...Isn't always the right commodity for the situation.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all in favour of love, whether or not it comes with a soft-boiled egg*. But I also feel that there's a time and a place for everything. In the back of a Durango in my parking lot at 2330 is neither.

Warning: Making love in a parking lot that is under video surveillance can result in coppus interuptus. The lady and her...interest? client? customer?...had their workout interrupted by SPPD & CSP Security officers.

After cruelly breaking up the touching scene in the parking lot (and reducing the level of global happiness by another notch) we proceeded inside to have a conversation with her two companions.

Warning: Back-talking cops when you're on someone else's private property can be a bad idea. It's easy to talk yourself into a free ride down to County. Which the other two proceeded to do. They were obviously very concerned with their safety, because they refused to ride in the police cruisers without safety restraints. Personally, I make due with a seatbelt (when I remember), but they went whole hog, with handcuffs, the wrap, and spit bags. Always remember, safety first.

Occasionally work manages to be something other than boring.


*I believe that lack of sex is one of the problems with this world. If more people got laid more often, the world would be a happier place. Sadly, reasonably priced love is the only way that some people will ever get any.

humor, work

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