(no subject)

Sep 12, 2002 04:38

There I was, back in Newsletter again...Dunno what the Con was. That was never established. But it was normal & routine for these people to be at, so probably BayCon...Though that doesn't explain Julie. She's from Alabama and I met her at ConJose. baxil wasn't at the Worldcon. silverkun & lysana were at both.

Anyway, it was Thursday night and I was working newsletter again. I had done a bit of work for issue one, even though it wasn't my shift. It was mostly laid out, with final corrections to be made Friday morning before printing. lysana made some comment as to the date, that baxil should remember not to put the current day on it, or else he'd have an issue dated Thursday going out on Friday. I responded that we'd already done that, so it wouldn't come as a surprise. (Blatant ConJose newsletter reference. If you haven't seen them, go here.)

I then went off, had dinner with my sister, talked with ciarhwyfar, and ended up back in newsletter, where baxil was working on the stuff for future editions, including the hoax, which was in a folder entitled "Jackalzene".

As I was just getting to work, silverkun dropped by. The three of us talked for a bit before he commented to baxil that "If you don't get out of here, you won't see any of the Con."

baxil & I looked at each other and started laughing. I asked him if he'd seen the dealer's room yet. When he said he had, I commented that "Well, he's done with the Con now."

We explained to silverkun that baxil always sees the dealer's room early in the weekend and maybe one panel on Saturday and spends the rest of it locked in newsletter. silverkun seemed to think that there was something wrong with this. He muttered something about the two of us being addicts, to which I replied (with one of the few lines I clearly remember from this dreamscape) "If we were on prescription drugs, Cons would be lost weekends." I decide to stick that in the hallway quotes file for later use, along with another one liner which I couldn't remember after I woke up.

About this time, silverkun knocked a frozen orange soda off of the back of one of the couches we were sitting on. It hit the floor & burst open, sending a frozen plume of Lipton iced tea into the air. (No, I'm not sure what Lipton was doing in a Minute Maid orange can. Ask my subconscious. Then tell me and we'll both know.)

At that point I had a great idea for an article for the hoax issue, started to type it in on my laptop, and woke up.

After waking up, I lay there for a few minutes, pondering my dream. I decided to get up and write down my hallway quote & my hoax article,since they were sufficiently interesting to merit further attention sometime when I was awake. This required getting out of bed, after which I started coughing. At this point, my alarm was going off in an hour, I was wide awake, and by the time the cough suppressant kicked in and I got back to sleep, I'd have to get up. So I figured 'what the hell' and presto, here I am. Online at 4am. Yay.

Yes, the hoax article was amusing, but I'm not going into it now. I'm going to write the bloody thing. After it's finished, it will probably be posted, since I don't feel like waiting until I have a chance to put it in a newsletter.

Oh, and the dream had a soundtrack by Puzzlebox.


dream, fen, sleep

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