Jun 14, 2005 22:47
So, it's Tuesday night, and my last night here in spokane. I've had a pretty relaxing trip, which would seem rather funny given that I've gotten rather covered in paint and dust from Taylor's house. Did I ever mention how much I hate painting? No? Well, I hate it! I do it very well, and I'll do it if I have to, but gosh darn it, it drives me nuts!
Work aside though, this trip has been fun. I had a chance to spend time with Dana's father while he was here, and I have to say, it's like hanging out with two Taylors. They're both just so weird! Lol, it's very entertining to watch the two of them. My favorite little episode was last night. We were playing hearts(second night in a row) and Taylor was taking forever to decide what card to put down. So, Jack shouts "C'mon Speed!" Taylor's reply, "I'm thinking!"...equally as loud of course. Then, lol, in a very calm voice, Jack says "I thought I smelt something burning." I laughed soo hard. I realize that some of have heard that before, but I haven't. The pudding that was currently in my mouth only barely made its way down my throat. It was fun.
Today I got to go out on the boat with my Dad and Dana and get some great pictures of the sunset. After dinner(and after 9pm) I took advantage of my free minutes to give Bryon a call. I haven't been able to talk to him lately, which makes the whole "not seeing him for a month" thing a wee bit more difficult. When I called, his friend Jemma answered. I was very entertained to hear her simply say, "we're watching Charmed!" Then she handed the phone to Bryon, and from what I could tell just started hitting him until he hung up to go watch Charmed. Lol..good times. Not being able to see him is hard, because he's one of my closest friends. But, I always felt like i'd be okay if I had Andrew with me. But, Andrew left this morning and I think it might be a while before I see him. Hopefully it wont be a month, but it might be. That means that for a month I dont get to see andrew or bryon. Talk about feeling lonely. The subject of how lonely i've felt is for another entry. I'm in a pretty good mood at the moment and don't feel like reflecting on all the sad thoughts that have been running in my head. I just feel like i'm sinking into depression again...
But, no time for such things right now. Tomorrow morning after a hearty breakfast, we're making the 5 hour trek back to Sammamish, where I'll gladly do my laundry and head over to my Mom's house, possibly for a few nights. There's a lot of things going on this summer, and I have a funny feeling that tomorrow night will be the start of it. I know that I'll have to hear a bunch of stuff from my mom about my Dad, and I'll probably get a lot of crap from my dad just for going to my mom's. I start work on thursday mornings, and while i'm greatful for my job at nordstrom, without Andrew I have a funny feelings the days are going to be much longer.
My thoughts are scattering, and the war movie playing in the backgroud is too depressing. Not only are random people dying, but Mark Wahlberg keeps getting shot and stuff, and he's just so beautiful that it kills me. Scars all over his pretty body make me sad. So, I will end this ramble and procede to bed. Night night!