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Sep 14, 2010 11:52

Wow. I haven't been on here in AGES! I must admit, I'm pretty much just a "facebooker" now.
Well, brief update. I'm six months pregnant with a baby boy! Steve and I are very excited, we've been working on redoing the walls in the "spare" room for the baby. We found out I was pregnant on April fools day, so of course I insisted on telling everyone immediately. Funny enough, most people believed me. My cousin Richard, who had just posted on facebook earlier that day that he was pregnant, didn't believe me till the next day...ha ha... We weren't planning on getting pregnant, so needless to say I was a little shocked. I kept checking the instructions on the pregnancy test box and then checking the pregnancy test, all the while saying "ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh" and pacing back and forth from our room and the bathroom and shaking my hands. Ha ha. Seems funny now! Steve was at work so I called him 6 times, then texted him, then went to work where in my instable state, I told my coworkers. He hasn't let me live it down yet that I didn't wait for him to get home before telling anyone else. I wasn't exactly in the right mind though to be able to keep that in! If we had been planning it, I would have been able to.
Things have been going great. I love doing massage, though I have had to cut back as of late. I just do maximum of two a day now. I had nausea in the first trimester, no puking though. Achey hips, right hip numb, pregnancy carpal tunnel, posterior pelvic pain (in my sacroiliac joints), swelling in my feet makes them hurt easier, heartburn (oh tums), heart palpitations, shortness of breath, needing to pee a lot, and seeing stars randomly when I'm just sitting there. Those are most of the symptoms I've had.
Favorite name so far is Westley. I was hoping for something less common, but considering Steve likes the "classic" names, I'm pretty glad we both like that one. I don't personally know any Westley's.
Anyway, time that I should be trying to go back to sleep now that Steve has left for work.
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