Yay massage...yay Fall...

Oct 29, 2008 15:15

I just went and got a massage from my massage school's student clinic and it was great!  In class they told me that if you hunch your shoulders a lot it could be because the pectoralis minor is tight.  I had tried to massage it myself but since we haven't learned how yet I guess I was rubbing the wrong spot...ha ha...  I had him massage that and also between my shoulders and next to my hip bones and I feel much much better.  I can sit up straighter easier, and I don't feel like I am hunching quite as much.  I'm going to have to keep going back once or twice a month I think and then maybe I won't hunch at all!  I'm really quite excited, because I've been hunching for quite a long time, and it's really not very attractive.
Since I walked there and back, I of course saw tons of crunchy leaves on the way.  It made me realize how much I'm like a big kid.  I walked through lots of crunchy leaves, and had to exhibit some self control to keep myself from just stopping in one really leafy spot and stomping on leaves for the next few minutes.  Ha ha...  Yeah, I know, I'm weird.
When I was on my way home there was this black kid that started yelling at me, "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey girl where you goin," and stuff like that.  It was really quite annoying, but I looked at him the first time he yelled, then just ignored him after that.  I figured if he had the guts to follow me or come up to me I'd let him have it.  Verbally of course, and if that didn't work, I had pepper spray, and if that didn't work, I had a knife.  I'm glad I'm more of a tough girl than some.
Edit:  In case that sounded racist, I am in no way racist, and would react the same if some white kid were doing the same thing.
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