[fic] Forbidden Fruit Chapter 1

Nov 16, 2014 10:52

This started as an idea for a one shot, that has been plaguing me to be written for around a year now. Somehow as it sat simmering in my head, it expanded into an entire fic. Also if there is anybody wondering, I haven't forgotten about Crazy Love. I'm just very stuck with it, but I'm still working so hopfully it'll be out soon!! I know, I know... famous last words when it comes to me....

Title: Forbidden Fruit
Author: fireside_story
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,596
Genre: Smut... Romance in later chapters, but right now just smut.
Disclaimer: I do not have any connections to Johnny's Entertainment or any of its members past or present. I write this story for my own pleasure and make no profit from it.
Pairings: Kameda, Ryoda, maybe more in later chapters
Summary: Ueda is bisexual and Kame is straight, but after one lustful passion filled morning Kame is willing to experiment. Will Ueda be able to hide his feelings for the younger man as Kame figures out his sexual orientation, or will it all be too much for him to handle.
Warnings: sexual content, language.
Beta'd: Only by me.

Ueda sighed, bringing his arm up to look at his watch as he laid on Kame's bed. 2:26am I should really be heading home, he thought flopping his arm back down across his stomach. It had almost turned into a weekly ritual for them, going out for dinner after work, then heading back to Kame's apartment where they talked about everything and nothing until the early hours of the morning. Somehow they always ended up in Kame's room, on his bed, but nothing ever went past talking. It was a ritual that Ueda both loved and hated, spending any extra time with Kame was wonderful but painful at the same time. Mainly since he would spill out his latest girl problems, not knowing how it made Ueda feel. No one knew actually, hell Ueda hadn't known until recently, that somewhere along the line his feelings for the younger man had gone from hatred to friendship to beyond friendship. For years Ueda had told himself it was a brotherly love he had for Kame, but once the sex dreams had started he hadn't been able to continue to convince himself of it any longer.

Not that he had issues with having feelings for another man, he didn't want to say 'in love' because to him it sounded too desperate, he had come to terms with his bisexuality in his early twenties. He just knew that Kame was straight, very straight to be honest. That was the reason Kame didn't know about Ueda's preferences, the only person who knew was Junno and only because he had found out by accident. At first Ueda hadn't wanted to be judged by the other members, now he didn't want to run the risk of making them uncomfortable around him. All they knew about were his girlfriends, they had no clue that he'd been having an on-again-off-again affair with Nishikido for years. It was not something he planned on sharing with any of them any time soon.

Ueda stretched his arms above his head, starting the next part of their ritual, "I really should be heading home."

Kame peered open an eye before adjusting slightly, moving his hands under his pillow, "do we really need to go over this every time? Just stay here."

Looking to his right, Ueda surveyed the man lying next to him in bed. Kame's eyes were closed again so he felt safe smiling at the situation. Ueda enjoyed this part of the ritual, hence why he always brought it up, "are you sure it's alright?"

"Just take your contacts out and go to sleep Tat-chan. Everything you need is in the bathroom," came the sleepy answer as Kame drifted further into sleep.

Ueda carefully got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Looking on the counter he smiled when he saw that Kame had gone and bought the brand of contact solution that he used and a holder for his contacts. Removing his contacts, Ueda slowly made it back to the bedroom, mentally cursing himself for not bringing his glasses. Next week he'd have to remember them. Turning off the bedroom light, Ueda carefully crawled into bed again so he didn't disturb Kame in his sleep. Peering down, Ueda allowed himself a few moments to watch the younger man before leaning down and placing a light kiss on his forehead.

You fool, he thought as he turned his back on Kame and settled down in bed, you went and fell in love with him.

The next time Ueda opened his eyes, early morning light was filtering into the room from the window making Ueda figure it was somewhere around 6am. He groaned slightly closing his eyes again, determined to fall back to sleep. Both of them had the day off, hence why they had chosen that particular night to go out, so he could afford to sleep in. Settling in further Ueda's eyes opened again feeling Kame spoon up behind him, wrapping his arm around Ueda's waist. Ueda laid motionless for a moment, wondering if he should turn around and wake up the younger man, when with a breathy moan Kame shifted even closer making Ueda aware of the raging erection Kame was sporting, as it was poking him in the ass. Ueda closed his eyes, taking in a breath before opening them again. If he slowly slid out of bed he might not wake up the other man, one thing was for sure he didn't want to be in bed with Kame as he had a sex dream featuring his last girlfriend. Slowly sliding his feet off the bed, Ueda carefully started the process.

"Tatsuya," Kame let out in another breathy moan, tightening his grip on the other man's waist.

Ueda stopped dead, there was no way that Kame was having a sex dream about him. But how many other Tatsuyas does he know? Ueda settled his feet back on the bed, pausing to see if Kame made any more movements, or noises. Waiting for a count to five and no other noise the from the man behind him, Ueda made another attempt at leaving the bed but was stopped this time by the feeling of Kame's lips on his neck. Ueda closed his eyes again, melting into the mattress as Kame's lips moved from the back of his neck to just behind his ear, teeth grazing the skin every so often. More moans escaped Kame as his lips moved over Ueda's skin, Ueda joining in when he felt the hips behind him grinding into his ass. He knew he needed to stop this, and soon. If he didn't it was going to be awkward and embarrassing when Kame did finally wake up, but the thought was driven from his mind with the feeling of Kame's hand reaching up his shirt.

This could end badly. Really, really badly, Ueda thought, stretching his neck to give Kame more excess which the other man took, lips travelling down to the crook of Ueda's neck. Letting out a low husky groan as Kame's hand circled his right nipple, Ueda decided he didn't care what happened when Kame woke up. It wasn't like Kame was the only one with an impressive erection fighting against his jeans. Reaching behind him, Ueda thread his fingers through Kame's hair, his breath hitching in his throat when Kame's hand began moving down his chest ending on his belt buckle. A mewl of pleasure passed Ueda's lips feeling his belt, then his jeans become looser as Kame undid the fastenings.

"God Tatsuya, I want you," Kame groaned into Ueda's ear before taking his earlobe between his teeth. Ueda cried out, bucking his hips back into Kame's as his hand dove past the waistband of his boxers, taking hold of his erection. Turning his head over his right shoulder, Kame's lips finally found Ueda's as the two men kissed vigorously, Ueda no longer knowing if Kame was asleep or now awake. Turning onto his back, Ueda thread his other hand in Kame's hair, moaning into the younger man's mouth as Kame expertly jerked him off.  Deciding to take things a step further, Ueda flipped them over straddling Kame's waist. Breaking the kiss he looked down at the younger man as his eyes fluttered open. For a moment the two just looked at each other not moving, panting around their desire before a coy smile graced Kame's face and he reached further down Ueda's pants to fondle his balls. Hanging his head, Ueda moaned long and low, lifting his hips a little so Kame could reach more. Snapping his head back, Ueda let out a cry, eyes flying open as he felt one of Kame's fingers stroke the area behind his balls.

"Fucking hell Kazuya," he groaned before roughly catching Kame's lips in another heated kiss. Passion filled whimpers leaked out Ueda's lips once Kame's hand was back on his shaft, stroking him with the intent of driving him over the edge. Breaking the kiss again, Ueda sat up, pushing Kame's shirt up as far as it could go. He couldn't actually take it off since one of Kame's hands was down his pants, but that didn't mean he still couldn't explore the man beneath him. Leaning forward, Ueda closed his lips over Kame's left nipple, tongue playing with the hardened peak, Kame arching his back at the feeling. Biting the nib of flesh, Ueda marvelled as a groan rumbled through Kame's chest. Traveling across his skin, Ueda nipped, kissed and licked every part of Kame's chest that he could reach, before sitting up again on the verge of orgasm.

"Is jerking me off all you plan on doing?" Ueda breathed, holding off on letting himself go.

Kame tightened his grip, earning him a pleasure filled shout from Ueda, "isn't that enough? I thought you were enjoying it."

Bracing his hands on the pillow, Ueda shook his head.  It was getting almost too hard to fight off his climax.

"Well in that case, I can stop all together," Kame teased with his trademark grin.

"No!" Ueda cried with desperation at feeling Kame's hand stop for a moment. The man under him chuckled at his desperation before stroking him harder and faster. Not able to hold off any longer, Ueda cried out spilling his essence over Kame's hand. Ueda sat up, raking his short nails down Kame's chest, the younger man wiping his hand off on a tissue, before Ueda pulled his shirt over his head. Sitting up as much as he could with Ueda straddling his hips, Kame pulled off his own shirt, before Ueda kissed him roughly then threw him back down against the mattress.

Propping himself on his elbows, Kame watched as Ueda's hands made quick work of his belt and jeans, before removing the clothes with Kame's help. "I've never done this before."

Ueda climbed off the bed long enough to step out of his jeans and boxers, before straddling Kame's waist again. He smiled at Kame's cheesy and overused wording, knowing full well it meant I've never had sex with a man. "Don't worry, I'll show you the ropes."

Leaning forward Ueda caught Kame's lips in a kiss, grinding his hips into those below him until he was hard again. Kame groaned into Ueda's mouth, taking hold of his hips and pulling them into his own so the friction between them was greater. Sliding Ueda up, Kame nestled the other man so that his length was just at his entrance.

Breaking the kiss, Ueda whispered "not yet Baby. First tell me you have freaking lube."

Reaching out, Kame pulled the top drawer of his bedside table open. Ueda looked in, pushing aside all the stuff he didn't want, but made a mental note that's where Kame kept his handcuffs, and pulled out the tube he was looking for. Sitting up again, Ueda squirted some into his palm, then coated three of his own fingers. He'd teach Kame how to stretch him another time, now he just wanted to feel the younger man inside him.

Kame watched as Ueda slowly inserted his fingers inside him and stretched himself. Propping himself on this elbows again, Kame noticed the sweat dripping down Ueda chest, as he panted with the pleasure he was bringing himself. Leaning forward, Kame lapped at one of the drips, a startled shout coming from Ueda. Pressing the flat of his tongue on Ueda's chest, Kame licked another drop, running his tongue up his chest and neck, until his lips met Ueda's. Threading his fingers through Ueda's dyed blond hair, Kame moaned feeling Ueda's hands spread lube over his cock. Once he was fully coated, Ueda pushed Kame back down onto the bed, taking hold of his length at the base, he slid it into his entrance in one swift motion.

Kame cried out as the feeling of Ueda surrounded him, different then he was used to, much tighter then with a woman. Not waiting long, Ueda began to ride the organ inside him hard and fast, using his hands on Kame's shoulders as leverage. Running his hands across Ueda's legs and back, Kame marvelled at the muscles moving under the skin as Ueda worked on pleasuring them both. Soon Kame's instincts kicked in, meeting every one of Ueda's downs with an upward thrust of his own. The bed creaked in protest as the two men moved together in their frantic, animalistic rhythm, Kame's fingers digging into Ueda's thighs as he watched the man above him move. Kame's orgasm took him by surprise, as it coursed through his body with enough force to arch his back off the bed, but that wasn't enough to stop Ueda. Settling back on the bed Kame quickly gathered his surroundings as Ueda continued to ride him fast and furious.

Next second Kame flipped them over, nestling himself in Ueda's open legs as he thrust into the other man as hard as he could. Ueda cried out as the position change, wrapping his arms around the younger mans shoulders. Resting his forehead on Ueda's shoulder, Kame pounded into the body under him, every pleasure filled moan that came from Ueda motivating him to move faster and harder, until Ueda gave a final shout as he reached his end spilling himself over his and Kame's chests. Tucking his legs under him, Kame continued to thrust into Ueda, he wasn't done with him yet. Groaning when Ueda wrapped his legs around his waist, Kame held nothing back pushing himself until the muscles in his legs were burning from the effort, but still he kept going until he felt himself go over the edge once more, Ueda following close after him.

Taking what felt like his last bit of energy, Kame rolled off Ueda the two of them staring at the ceiling as they caught their breath. "Well that was an interesting wake up call."

Ueda looked at the other man, there it was written all over his face. It had sunk in that he'd just had sex with another man for the first time, and it was most likely his first homosexual encounter from the look of it. Ueda sat up without a word, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, in preparation to start the search for his clothes.

Noting the other man's movements, Kame  turned to see Ueda's back now facing him. Sitting up he reached out grabbing the older man's hand, "just where do you think your going?"

"Home. I get the very distinct feeling I've over stayed my welcome," Ueda said turning on the bed but not looking Kame in the eye. He didn't want to see the look on his face, not that he'd be able to see much of it without his contacts but he still couldn't look the other man in the eye.

"But you said you'd show me the ropes. You trying to tell me I've seen it all now, since I find that hard to believe," Kame teased. He didn't want Ueda to leave, he didn't really understand what was happening, but he knew he didn't want it to end yet.

Ueda looked at Kame, squinting so he could actually see his face. All he found was Kame's brand of sexual teasing, not the fear and disgust he had been afraid of finding. With a smile Ueda crawled across the bed until he was lying on top of the younger man where he caught his lips in a heated kiss, "I'll show you anything you want me to."

pairing: kameda, genre: smut, fic: forbidden fruit, rating: nc-17, length: multi chapter

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