God's got a giant oven, and He seems to have put Florida in it...

Aug 17, 2005 14:56

is it just me, or is it rediculously hot outside. i like warm summers, but for crying out loud! the weather people keep saying to go to the beach... anyone ever notice how you dont see news cameras at the beach. there's a reason for that. i dont care if you are in the water, on a day like the past few we've had, the water is almost as hot as the air. no fun...

but take heart fellow potential heat stroke victims, for winter is just around the corner and after a summer such as this, we're due for a good winter. .... but when winter comes, we'll probably all complain about how cold it is and wish it were warmer. ahhh... the irony.

beyond that, its been a trying week sofar. too much to do with very little time to do it in. good thing i have good friends to keep me level. mostly hallie with her compassion and encouragement during my sometimes stupid bouts with frustration. and then there's scott who is always willing to lighten the load... like giving me his EMT book to study from. (already highlighted)... then of course last but certainly not least there's bola who offers me an escape from the normal hum-drum of reality by allowing me to step into (literally when schedules allow) a fantastic world of surfing. between his stories of waves i can only dream about, and the occasional opportunity to see these waves (once thought by us to be only myths), i can leave my cares on the sand, and venture to a world of liquid movement surrounding me. ...but mostly hallie.... (sorry guys)

isn't it amazing how my entries are longer when i have nothing to say?

"the more the light shines through me,
i pretend to close my eyes.
the more the dark condumes me,
i pretend i'm burning bright..."
-awesome song!
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