(no subject)

Apr 02, 2008 11:44

Amazing how it’s the little things. Last night, as I walked back from work, it was drizzling, and warm, with occasional lightning and thunder, but still and heavy with air that if not for the cool rain would have been stifling. About halfway across the quad the heavens burst forth with torrential rain, so much wind that the rain seemed to come from every direction at once, and much more frequent lightning. I was immediately soaked. It was so wonderful. I was laughing, and spinning and letting the wind push me along and couldn’t see through the rain on my glasses, so I took them off. It was amazing, and made me incredibly happy. Everything just melted away, and the whole world was perfect, brimming over with power and energy and joy. But I hate that I had to come inside, climb the stairs and take off my squishy, wet shoes, drip all over my carpet as I peeled off my supersaturated clothes and tried to spread the contents of my bag to dry. But then I got to climb into a scalding hot shower, which was so delicious after the chill of the rain that I can’t even describe it. If only I’d been able to find my glasses in time for my meeting, and not had to search in a panic, give up and fight to get my contacts in, then run downstairs and still be late, it would have been completely perfect. But I have found my glasses now, so it’s totally irrelevant.
Also, I found an incredible TED talk video of this neurological scientist talking about her own stroke. The left brain is for logic, planning and language, while the right is for creativity and the now. Why then has the stroke made me so much more aware of my right brain, and negatively impacted the left, when it was my right brain where the stroke occurred? I’m not complaining, I’d much rather keep the creativity than the ability to write papers, short term its annoying, but long term I think I’ll be a happier, better more fulfilled person. I think to some extent the stroke was good, that this is much more who I am supposed to be, the best way for me to be happy and make the world better.
Everyone watch this video, I command it:


At the moment I am feeling amazingly calm, relaxed, and almost euphoric. I feel content with myself for the first time in who knows how long, and positive about the future. I know I should do work, but I can’t do something that will so obviously kill this feeling.
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