[series]: Trinity Blood
[character]: Seth Nightlord
[character history / background]: As the world found itself overpopulated and needing a solution, a solution was made: it came in the form of Lilith, Cain, Abel, and Seth, who were born on multiple parts of the earth with the intention of leading colonies on Mars. Each of them would have different roles, allowing them to excel while on Mars and help humanity create colonies there. The individuals sent there along with these four were meant to prepare Mars for life, and it was there that they found the Ark that, while ironically named for what would come, would change everything. It was Abel and Lilith who, while struggling for life, found this Ark, but it was Seth who found the Bacillus inside-both the types that would lead to the Methuselah and the types that would lead to the (named because they were cross-shaped). In order to enhance the lives of the humans on Mars, Seth injected the Bacillus into the humans there, enhancing them as individuals and extending their lifespans to three-hundred years. During an accident, Seth injected her brother Cain and another man with the out of desperation, which led to them both dying. Cain, however, woke up again soon after.
This is where it all begins. Seth's beliefs regarding her control with the Methuselah start here, as well as the war that would happen on earth. A war first broke out on Mars, and after this tore things apart because of the amount of technology happening, and it eventually kept them from being able to return home. A similar war broke out on earth. Only after eighty years were they able to return home, and then the path for the four would be set. Interesting, too, that they would return in the spaceship modeled after the aforementioned and ironically titled Ark.
By returning to earth, things started to change. The Bacillus in the bloodstream of the Returners evolved and turned many of the individuals into creatures longing for blood-close to the myth of vampires. This hindered their capability of helping humans and even started a war between them. This war had Cain, Abel, and Seth on the side of the Returners, while Lilith, believing in a complete possibility for co-existence, remained on the side of those who were on earth. Without Lilith, the Returners would have won the war, but they ended up being exiled to their Empire in Eastern Europe. Earth itself had already been devastated long before this, after all, because of the wars and eventual Armageddon, and now, the world was even more torn in fights regarding who should be superior.
At the end of this war, Lilith was killed by Cain. Cain was "killed" by Abel and Seth. However, this was not to be so. As for Lilith, Abel went and guarded her tomb for 900 years, while the world evolved in his absence.
Part of the evolution involved the construction of the True Human Empire, as created by Seth herself. She created it with the idea that the Methuselah would be her children, and the Terran would be subordinates to them. They would be separate, but protected. While maintaining this distinct rule, there would be a rejection of the outside world, with everyone in the Empire believing that they greatly depended upon the Empress above all else. Seth, despite being hidden from the world in visage, made herself into everything for this Empire. And in turn, she made them believe that they could live this way as best they could. Within the Empire, Terrans would have opportunities, but it would truly be the Methuselah who had the superior roles.
Fast forward in time, and some citizens of the Empire are unhappy with things as they currently stand. They are unhappy with how Seth has kept herself hidden while keeping them dependent. A plot runs in order to try and kill the Empress, and behind this plot is The Rosenkreuz Orden, an organization hoping to take advantage of the circumstances. However, Seth is much too wise for the rebellious individuals (Süleyman, the reknowned Duke of Tigris, as well as others), and creates a large, complicated plot to foil their plans. At the end of this, she even reveals her actual face to the Empire. Though this information is not allowed to leak outside, it says quite a bit for Seth herself. After all, as this plot went on, she even hid herself and spoke to Esther Blanchett and Ion Fortuna as an innocent girl, and it was revealed that she did this to numerous others. Seth was someone who was capable enough to act in many roles, but had the knowledge to sustain all of them (often with a smile).
As the Empress, she truly believed in motivating and securing the Empire for everyone within. She would continue to do this, in the case of further problems. Even as things seem to be falling apart, Seth maintained control. And while maintaining control, she wanted her brother to stay with her, because it would give her an advantage over the Vatican while having someone to support her. Because, after all, she was wise, and in control, and would do everything to keep that. She also knew in the future that not everything would remain as peaceable as it had been in her Empire, and she needed to prepare for that possibility.
[character abilities]: Given that Seth is genetically enhanced (read: a test tube baby, much like her siblings and Lilith), she is able to handle the nanomachines within her body from being a . She is one of four individuals actually able to have these machines for that reason, and able to have the enhancements that come with it. Seth shows some control in going into her mode, or appears to, though the fact of this being likely to be the truth is, well, unlikely. While in this mode, she gains insectile wings (six of them) and is capable of creating tridents from blood. Her eyes go red, as well. The biological enhancements on her body make it so that she has a long life, and therefore ages 1.5 times slower than normal humans. That combined with the nanomachies in her body lends the possibility of Seth living a very long life. The full potential of her power isn't revealed, as it's seen that she resists going to 100% of her mode, as that would drive her insane. But when in form, she is able to employ something called "Flames of Sound," allowing her to literally disintegrate something with its power.
On top of all this, Seth is a scientist. She has medical knowledge, and it's a given that after nine-hundred years, she is a political genius, in some senses, and a wealth of other knowledge that would make her the head of a science department on Mars. To be as good as she is in making herself the solely depended upon individual in the Empire, she has to be knowledgeable enough in numerous areas.
[character personality]: The Seth who presents herself to others is not the Seth that seems to truly be there; there are many facets to her, many faces in which she seems to be very comfortable. On a whole, Seth makes a point to seem very in control of herself. If she wishes to seem serious, as if she's demanding and commanding a situation, she will-and often, she'll do it with a smile, as if there has been no faltering within her plans the entire time. Given her nine-hundred years of age, she is very wise, giving her a sense of omniscience among her people, even if she remains behind a veil and truly hidden to the eyes of everyone who believes in her. While she is not truly omniscient, her strength does extend from being able to see through things, and being able to understand the confusion and political machinations of her empire. She is someone who does not move without certainty, as everything she does is based in fact. Seth's idea of "fact," naturally, is somewhat different from most other individuals, but she is a solid individual, and in having that basis, she does stand as a formidable construct in comparison to the Vatican power itself in the series. It may be true that she is the leader of an exiled entity, but in being that leader, she believes she can, and even will, inevitably do what is best, even if she has failed in the past. It will just take time to ensure this capability.
Interesting enough, with all this, the Seth that appears to other is precocious in appearance, cheerful, with a healthy touch of condescension. Even when addressing her brother, Abel, this doesn't appear to be anything but her default personality, but it's difficult to say that this is outside the extent of her control. She does seem like a silly, amusing girl, but the other side shines through, as if she walks among life like she has a right to have control. Above all, Seth seems able, she seems in control, and she does have some extent of a right idea when it comes to her Empire, but looking in-between her words, it becomes clear what her true intentions are and where they lie.
For beneath that whimsical facade of a "pretty girl," there is a nine-hundred year old individual who believes she has the proper control over the Empire. A mixture of guilt and control leads her to believe that she has a right to be the mother of the Methuselah. And it's a natural position, as she not only birthed their Empire, but given her role with the UNASF, she's allowed it to get to her head a little. She is largely responsible for the reign and control of the Methuselah in the world. She has the convoluted, and possibly twisted (or even hypocritical) view that underneath her domain, all Terran (humans) and Methuselah are equal. It's a given that the Terran are the servants, the subordinates, and the Methuselah are her children who give them opportunities. But given her position as a , it's possible to draw the conclusion that the Methuselah are more than her children-they are also her servants. After all, feed off the blood of the Methuselah, who feed off the blood of humans (however, in the Empire, the Methuselah live off blood tablets, so this conclusion is less solid, but there is some backing to it).
A lot of this is the result of her believing, genuinely believing, that she's doing the right thing. Seth is not someone who wishes or longs for the destruction of everyone (unlike her brother, Cain), and in making and pushing the superiority of the Methuselah, it's because she believes their lives are superior. Of course, their inability to walk amongst sunlight, their weakness to silver, and other things make their stance in regards to this particularly questionable. But then again, they are superior in other ways, gifted with long lives, which the Terran do not have. And given that she refuses to drink from the Methuselah, despite her own placement, it's natural to believe that she founds herself in this logic. To say it's the best logic would be incorrect, but given how many years she's ruled over the Methuselah in the True Human Empire, it's natural to believe that she's unbudging in regards to it.
Which is to say: she has seen the other points of view in both Lilith and Esther, and does not particularly agree with them. Once, when faced with this point of view from the mouth of Esther, she dictates, while in her "innocent" persona, that she is clearly doing the right thing. The logic does not add up, but she is deeply affected enough to defend the view of the Empire, and the position that Terrans have within it (one of opportunity, one that, underneath her view, states that she gets to live a right and proper life, and she ensures that they do not imbibe harmful substances to live that better life, among other things). However, she is stubborn and to hold control for eight-hundred years, she has to be. She has to be to see through the plans of the Methuselah who find themselves unhappy with her rule, in order to have some kind of idea on how to overpower them. And she has to, or else she wouldn't have the Empire in the first place. Needless to say, the True Human Empire is built largely off Seth's ideals; and these ideals aren't necessarily ones that are correct. But they are ones she genuinely believes in, and she strives to do everything she can to enforce this rule. It's largely what she lives for.
Of course, beneath it all, there is the other side of her which she wishes to control. Despite seeming as if she is superior in the presence of Dietrich when she first uses her powers as a , this is the side of her that seems to need to be enforced, controlled, and kept within her capacity. This is the ability itself. Perhaps it is because she has this ability that she needs to be stubborn and unmoving, but it is also because of this ability that she has lent herself the position of being the Empress of the Empire. The two identities go hand in hand. But having this ability, being this , also lends to a certain insecurity and uncertainty within her. When faced with the fact of telling her brother, Abel, that their other sibling, Cain, is still alive, it is a difficult task that she is reluctant to ask, and as this time, she also shows that she doesn't know what it is to be who they are. She may know what she wants for her people, she may be secure in that, but it doesn't mean that she lacks unwavering sensibilities. As it is, Seth embraces her side as naturally as possible, sliding into the persona with ease, and it does not seem to waver too heavily from her sterner side that she shows on rare occasions. This is quite unlike Abel, who appears to struggle, but it also lends to her need to feel secure in this, even if being a is something she truly struggles with. This is where she and Abel are rather different, as control is necessary within her, and chaos, uncertainty, and even a level of indecisiveness seems to heavily weigh in with all the modes of his personality. Being a means having an uncontrollable part of her, so it's an interesting contrast to the side of herself that she maintains for nearly everyone.
The sum of all this is a girl with a mild god complex who could be said to be a little lost, while being absolutely secure in the role she's maintained for herself while being lost. She believes she has the answers, but also needs to enforce them. There's an interesting balance between truly believing and needing to make herself believe in what she's doing, and how much Seth has cemented herself in this. She does have a kind personality, but again, there's that layering of condescension. She does see others who are younger than her as children, even if they truly believe themselves to be superior. And while sometimes this comes with the gentle touch of being the Mother of the Empire, it also comes with the cruel touch, without the mothering aspect-which she used to approach Dietrich. Seth is very wise, all in all, and has many facets to her which come out regarding the situation.
Really, it's as to be expected of the youngest of a group who were meant to lead a branch of humanity, and one who was a scientist. Her answers largely stem from this, and nine-hundred years later, she's still holding on to her beliefs and understandings, even if in some ways, they are wrong. However, her solid approach to this makes it difficult for her to branch outside of it. Her way is better, even if she could not win the wars that led to this "better" way being the "exiled" way. After so long, it's hard to believe that she will change it.
[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Post-chapter 34 of the manga. Note that there is novel information used to inform her motivations and backstory, but she will be largely taken from the manga.