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One of the exciting things about living in South Australia is the history. When I moved here I discovered something: South Australians are very proud of their heritage, part of this is discovering not only settlement history but native history as well. The week I was invited, as part of the local writers group, to a ‘walk and talk’ with local council historians and the parks custodian. The tour included local indigenous historical sites, including native forest, parklands and settlement buildings - the first commercial building built in 1853.
One of the signficant trees shows evidence of significant cultural site, its scars bearing witness to Kaurna habitation - the creation of a canoe cut from its trunk.
We walked through some of the remaining pine forest and more recent pines planted in the area in 1936 to mark 100 years of European settlement. We heard local ghost stories and tales mysterious creatures that roam the local bush - so many stories waiting to be told.
My photo week started with a historical nature walk and ended with a photo shoot at local park with my daughter, admiring the beauty of nature.
And finally, another quick photo opportunity: While it snowed (albeit briefly) in the Hills on Saturday, I was dodging the hail which foiled my attempt at weeding the garden on Saturday.
All photos copyright 2015 Karen Carlisle.