Last night the Australian Costumers' guild held a steampunk based event. The maiden flight of the derigible Olympia, on its voyage to the Moon.
I was given the character of Alice Carroll Dodgson (explorer). I explore (mostly underground), having travelled to the centre of the earth, found Atlantis and some spurious funghi.
Dave was a big game hunter, Norbet Cleverhook, who had taken the Prince of Wales hunting, amongst other things.
As we were English, we took a lace tablecloth, doilies, a box of Tea and a picture of Her Majesty Queen Victoria to adorn our table.
There were were many (poss over 40?) people, some had characters, some not. Each had backgrounds and objectives.
Mine was to help decode a clay tablet found during my Atlantis trip. The Royal Academy of Science Librarian had the key. We figured out that Queen Victoria was a fake and that the Atlantians were Amazons that had gone to the moon. I informed the Academy and we agreed that we should make a peace treaty with the Amazons (before those 'beastly Americans'). Unfortunately, the 'real queen' who was a brain of morbius type brain in a box was presented and 'supposedly' transferred to another.. Some of the Academy members were doubtful as to whether the new Queen was the real QUeen, but we were not able to get the proof in time...
Upside: I got accepted into the Royal Academy of Sciene (yeah) and 'Norbet' got to save the ship by space(ether) walking and killing the ether squid (a touch of B5 there???, he, he)...
Had a ball, got sore feet. Achieved our goals and helped the sufferjets (most of whom were in the Academy) to get equal rights.. so I am chuffed!!!
The guys did a fantastic job of setting up props, they had a film of the voyage, pirates, ether squids, ads, message from the Queen, many famous names, and we got passports.
I was happy, as my pith helmet arrived in the mail in time (however, it has a dent... that will have an interesting back story... We emailed the supplier to get a swap or something but no reply. It has been weeks. Bad after sales service). Good service was the Boer war pith helmet arrived more quickly, better packed, fantastic condition. even got a free WWI replica Australian army patch... good service)....
I managed to replace all those plastic corset stays with sprung steel and steel boning.. Big improvement (no surprise there)... Though next time, I will have to take about 2 inches off the corset, as it is definately too big now....
:( and :) !!!!
We made fake pound notes (but did not get the chance to bribe anyone). I have many new entries into my journal.
I am most pleased with my new accessory. I now am the proud owner of a robotic 'canary'. So when I go potholing, I will be warned of any chemicals and gases that may be bad for my health....
I am still planning a new steampunk outfit.. but now have about three to choose from... arghhhhhh!
More pics from the night are at: pics will be posted on the Australian Costumers' Guild forum...