Linkage etc

Mar 23, 2009 22:45

Every so often, there's a spate of stuff that I want to share with t'internets. Some of the stuff....

1) News story about the son of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes killing himself. Raises the question of what it is precisely about Ted Hughes that is suicide-inducing to live with. The gloomy temperament of Eeyore combined with the delivery of Chris Moyles springs to mind.

2) Andrew W.K. does J-Pop. ZOMG. This is amazing, and I can only thank speednik for not only alerting me to its presence, but ripping the files to the MP3 format and sticking them in a .exe file and winging them to me on, which I have now uploaded and linked to for your sense delight. Worth downloading for the first track alone, though I love the one dedicated to 'Linda' as well. Cheesy, catchy, and strange. Love it.

3) Because I just copied and pasted it, shoving out the next thing from my mousey clipboard, some Bill Hicks, which I was prompted to look up having read about orgasmic birth (!!!!!!!!) from a link on ellroy's LJ.

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4) Cat macros sometimes still manage to make me laugh. Case in point:

5) Stewart Lee's comedy vehicle - new programme on the beeb which just rules. Last week was 'toilet books' and the bizarre thing about rappers, this week (and there's only 7 days left to watch it) was him despairing at the state of British telly. It's fantastic.

It's just occurred to me that this entry has a shelf life of 7 days so that you can get the most out of it. Wow, talk about not thinking long-term, eh?

Still, I have some way to go before I'm as bad as Mr Manson Snr.

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