Dammit, I've done it again.

Mar 13, 2009 11:40

Say what you will, I am a fool. Turning up to work wearing red from top to toe (including wings and sparkly shoes) for Comic Relief is a mistake, it seems. One of these days Still, mippy's old MP3 player's just done the trick in making me feel better....

'All My Little Words' by Magnetic Fields - possibly my new favourite song..
You are a splendid butterfly
It is your wings that make you beautiful
And I could make you fly away
But I could never make you stay
You said you were in love with me
Both of us know that that's impossible
And I could make you rue the day
But I could never make you stay

Not for all the tea in China
Not if I could sing like a bird
Not for all North Carolina
Not for all my little words
Not if I could write for you
The sweetest song you ever heard
It doesn't matter what I'll do
Not for all my little words

Now that you've made me want to die
You tell me that you're unboyfriendable
And I could make you pay and pay
But I could never make you stay"

My tummy hurts. I want to go home and cry, and I'm pasting lyrics into LJ. Jeez, talk about knowing you're emo when....
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