[what small title can describe everything i talk about, there's too little space for that]

Dec 11, 2007 19:28

lately i've been opening notepad and writing down some notes that go through my head and post them. maybe it'll turn into some kind of ritual and daily activity, lol.

anyway, today, my friend from group looked sooo pretty. she's not your prettiest girl, her skin isn't perfect, she's chubby and she doesn't care that much about clothes. but today, oh, god, she looked awesome! and i didn't know her hair was this pretty. i made a fool out of myself and told her she looked pretty, lol. then i added i couldn't recognize her *shot* so anyway, it's that. when i look like a potato (caffeine detox) others looks like roses. interesting. all in all, that friend of mine said she'd dropped smoking. uhuh, sure, we'll see. to be fair, she ran away from smoking place so that she wouldn't be tempted. maybe it's time foe me as well, cigarettes are such a stupid addiction i don't get why i fell under it. it's like me and coffee, for YEARS i hated coffee, i couldn't look at it, now i can't start the day without it. same with smoking, i was smoking at outings, parties, when someone give me some cigarettes but i had no need to smoke alone, daily, for fun. i was strong few years and then something happened and i HAD TO smoke. and i still have to, one daily. at least. heh, i hope e.p. will spare us from her bitter moods she'll have and be successful with us still liking her, lol.

and dennou coil ost wasn't all that beautiful *sad*

updating my to-do-list-of-doom:
2. prepare for latin's exam so that my scholarship next year won't be ruined.
3. read stuff about literature's history from cd.
4. sort mangas and burn completed & discontinued ones.
6. finish ze theme for lj, desktop and all.
7. edit?
8. clean.
9. start preparing stuff for presentation about uk, make a sketch and briefly summarise what i want to say/draw/make, consult it with monika and ask for her usa's part. after xmas \o
10. rewrite my notes on didactics, phonetics, etc in some DECENT notebook.
11. start making cards.
12. research styles of painting, etc, y'know.
13. shave (NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!)
14. take my clothes to dressmaker.
15. ask mrówa do do my nails.
17. buy stuff you need to buy and take glasses to repairment.
18. call hide to ask her about which cds she borrowed.
19. take pictures of my new haircut.

and also i need some anime help. in tyler's "jihaku" amv, there were way too many anime i didn't know but a few caught my interest. does anyone know them maybe? or knows someone that knows? or knows someone that knows someone that knows? or...

this boy was standing on some kind of clifftop and the wind was blowing. who is he and from which animeeeee!

and this boy (girl) was against the wall, holding something and shaking his (her?) head.

that one was awesome, she (he?) suddenly got wings, it looked painful and bloody. it that maybe haibane renmei?

i think i know him but i can't remember and it's pissing me off. he was lifting his head up while crying and his hood was falling down. who. is. that?

not gotta wash dishes,w ash some underwear and socks, repair my bras (>.>;), look at german/latin homework for tomorrow (i bet i'll JUST look...), try to find strength to look up some questions' answers for hamlet to help my group, try to find strength to read hemlet again and TRY TO FIND STRENGTH TO NOT SIMPLY SIT IN FRONT OF COMPY AND WASTE TIME. life is so complicated :(

likes & dislikes, friends, to do list, anime

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