It began, as these things so often do, with an octopus.
Well, strictly speaking it began when I made myself some tea, to help a sore throat. It left me a little wired, so I decided to wrap some Christmas presents. I had my art stuff out already, and the paper I bought was pretty plain.
I drew Shantel an octopus, for fun, and put it in a Santa hat. And all was well.
Then I realized that since I have two sisters, I had to have gift parity, so I drew her a kitten.
At that point is was 1am anyway, and I was a little high on Sharpie fumes, so I started adding details, and the whole thing spiraled out of control.
And that is how I ended up with an an octopus, a turtle, a llama, a giraffe, and an elephant wrapped in Christmas lights. I swear it made sense at the time.
I think it is time for sleep.