I have a lot of work I should be doing right now. Instead, I am watching this week's episode of Glee on repeat.
I know, Glee is not exactly the height of television excellence. It can be a painfully corny show; there are episodes I have to watch on fast forward. At its best, though, it is funny and clever and charming and, well, this:
This is the culture wars, folks, and we are winning. Eleven million people sat down on Tuesday and watched two boys kiss on prime time TV and they cheered. (Well, I did. Also I may have squealed like a girl and then called my sister.) Right now, the Rethuglicans* who are in power are doing their best to fight a war against women, against gay people, against non-Christians, against anyone who does not fit their worldview. It can be disheartening and painful to watch. Yet in the living rooms of America, they are losing.
Also, Blaine and Kurt? Adorable!
*This does not include all members of the Republican party. To see some I actually admire, check out
this clip.