Scenes from library land

Aug 01, 2010 10:24

I really love my job.

Earlier this week, I was sitting around the library office, doing something boring, when a women stuck her head in and asked for help. She is one of our regular patrons, and fairly computer-illiterate. I followed her, expecting another question about powerpoint. Instead, she showed me a screen with two pictures of tuxedos

"I am helping plan my sister's wedding," she asked, "Which one do you like?" I choose one. She marked my answer down, but wasn't convinced. I helped her round up everyone else in the library, and they all took a vote. It ended in a deadlock, three against three. We debated different lapel styles for a few minutes, but couldn't come to a decision. Clearly we needed a man's opinion on the matter.

I suppose we could have waited until someone male wandered into the library, but we take service to our patrons very seriously at my hospital. Clearly, the only thing to do was to go down the hall and explain to one of the account managers that we had a serious fashion emergency in the library and we needed his help. He came right away :)

I am going to be very sad to leave my internship at the end of the month. I think I might have a really great second internship lined up, though. 

i can haz job, general nonsense

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