Happy Independence Day!

Jul 04, 2010 22:43

 Happy fourth of July, everyone!

I don't say it enough, but I really do love my country. I am so lucky to have been born in one of the few countries in the world where no one ever questioned my right to an education and basic health care, simply because I am female. I live in a place where I am free to believe, or not to believe in an religion, without fear of torture and death. I live in an incredibly generous country, where at any time I can pick up the phone and police officers or firefighters or paramedics will rush to my aid, simply because I ask. I live in a place where I can walk the streets without fear. I live in America, where John Stewart and Glenn Bleck are both allowed to be on TV.

And though there are plenty of things I would like to change about my country, I can change them. I can protest, I can vote, I can blog, I can dissent, and I am still an American, and that is a blessing beyond measure.

So here's to the United States of America, home of Hollywood, shopping malls, and peanut butter. As the old song goes, I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. I won't forget my grandfathers, who risked everything they had to defend this county and my rights, and the tens of thousands of men and women who stood with them. And someday, when the zombies come for us, you can damn well bet I'll be standing up right next to you, crowbar in hand, ready to protect and defend the land I love. 

things that make me happy, patriotism is good for the soul

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