that blue tank dress

Nov 10, 2010 00:25

Day two of gym tomorrow. I'm feeling good about this and I can only hope that trend continues. They even offer a catalog of classes ranging from yoga/pilates to zumba. My goal is just to tone everything up and feel energized again.
Funny enough, it helps with singing too.

Connie and I had a good talk today about poetry, mine and the world of.
I think it would help after writing a poem to go through and talk about what it's doing, what is necessary. Workshop it myself before handing it over to be workshopped. Well, I usually do a certain amount of editing, but I think I need to start looking at it a bit differently.

"For the sake of momentum"

Sense of Belonging seems to be a theme today.

Jake being accused of "lashing out" more often.
Glee episode (yeah yeah)
What separates me from the others in this program.
What brings me closer.
Sean talking to me about his own striving with poetry.

Since I've been here, I've become more aware of my potential as a leader.

...I have a nasty habit of comparing myself to peers.

Keri called yesterday and we talked for quite a while. At first it was strange to hear her voice coming at me so casually, but we jumped right into the new and differents, the pros and cons of California living. What it's like to not be a drinker, smoker, and now an exerciser. As different as our life paths are right now, they seem to be similar in many ways.
Laura has also been messaging me a higher frequency.

Overall, I suppose I keep looking at their names as entities. Things that have been perpetually tunneling through bits of my life and I wonder how we came to be where we are and how far we will go from here. In light of this relocation, I think about who I've kept with me and who I've let go and I haven't spent much time asking why.
At the core of it all, I suppose we could say that it's for rare and good human connections.
Keri, Laura, and Vicki have been this vigilant triage, a trifecta of ups and downs--betting order various and lacking outcome.

Justin is the only constant. I feel closer to him than with anyone, I can share most parts of myself with him. The only rough patches we've gone through in our friendship were directly linked to Laura. I looked back on all of my friendships--each representational of whatever life phase I was undergoing. When we're teenagers, we have such heavily devotion to our friends, our human connections. The world is our oyster and we grab whatever we can and run.
As much as I said Keri was my best friend before, I think I just wished she was and I complicated it by finding her attractive in some ways and repulsive in others.

Why is any of this important? Human connections. When you're on the brink of many, you start to ponder the past, I suppose. I sift through some now, wondering who will step into that next level. Laura M. has the most potential, but she graduates this semester. Kris could be a good friend, but we fooled around that one time and now I don't know what to make of it.
Yinka and I are like Enid and Rebecca from Ghost World--craving all the weirdness to be exposed.
Sean, yeah--I think Sean will be a good friend.

I'm dying to get back into the gay world. Give me cocktails, drag queens, tight clothing, hairspray, good shoes, and cigarettes. PLEASE.
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