in the morning, when we rise.

Nov 08, 2010 09:10

This morning, my dreams snapped out of me and I woke with no struggle.
No alarm.
I remember dreaming of knitting, stitch after stitch after stitch until my hands ached. That's reasonable because I spent two hours last night doing just that while watching a sad number of Angel episodes.

Then working at Panera, and in my dream at Panera was a memory that I had come in and worked an hour to help even though I wasn't employed. Henry and Kara were there and Kara was wearing an O'Hara name tag. I guess she wanted to be Frank.
This doesn't surprise me following my last visit where I went to pick up my food and had an urge to jump back there and complete all orders in record time, and then go sit back down.

Feels like so much longer, but it's only been three full months since I've quit.
Oh, how I do not miss all that crap. I think what I really miss is having a task so simple as making food and stocking and cleaning. Nice, neat numbers for everything.
Numbers I struggled to keep orderly.

I went from such a strict schedule to the most liberal structure imaginable.
40 hours of work = x amount of dollars = bills = leftover funds

Here: hours of work are few and various, dollars come in one big chunk at beginning and must be made to last all semester, bills are all paid up, my job is to read and write and bring voices together.

It really is amazing. But sometimes I wish I had a paycheck come every two weeks. Something that was reliable and constant.
Silly, huh?

Facebook is the DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL. I need to limit myself to X amount of hours a day of FB.
This used to be among the first places I went to in the mornings.
Poor, LJ.

So, I'm considering going to the student recreation center on a semi-regular basis so that my ass doesn't outgrow my jeans and my muscles don't become stiff little wobblies needing the aid of some wooden crutch.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday would be perfect. I'm going to collect some clothing to take with me there after work so I can see what the place is all about. They have those neat elliptical machines. Three hours out of my week isn't a lot. This way, I don't have to do that whole New Years Resolution bullshit.
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