Jun 02, 2005 22:34
Whether or not T.O.'s last post was in part a reaction to my two previous posts, I think it's high time for something more cheerful.
Well, not really "cheerful" per se, more like "less depressing, you jack-off."
Next Friday (not tomorrow, specifically... next week) my fellow interns and I are the sole defenders of Fort Price, as the D.C. staff will be visiting/working with the district office. Because they cannot simply leave the office completely unattended, the interns will be answering phones, shooing people away, and other things of that nature. The plan is, in essence, to get ripped and watch movies, which a few unnamed staff members don't seem to mind that much. Well, I'm sure they do, and are just trying to come off as "cool" or "hip" in front of the youngsters.
This week has been so pleasantly slow. Not that the days go by slow, rather there is nothing happening in terms of work at the office. I manned the phones for two consecutive hours today and recieved no phone calls. I have only done about thirty minutes of *actual* work since Monday. To be brief, a low-pitched "yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaah" suffices perfectly.
I'm really starting to miss home, though. For several hours on Tuesday, I seriously considered calling up my mom and asking her to FedEx me my vest. The only serious attempts I've made at contacting others have been texting Andrew quotes from "Team America" and "MST3K: The Movie" and calling up T.O. (or him calling me, which has occured more often, to be honest) and talking about virtually nothing. I find it odd that I haven't made any substantial efforts to contact others... I am as puzzled as you are.
It took me nearly thirty minutes to find my car after getting off work.
The official Cobb Family Dessert (that's who I'm staying with, the Cobbs) is frozen Cool Whip covered with Hershey's Magic Shell. Try it sometime... it's abso-fucking-lutely delicious.
I really want to visit New Zealand, preferably with Nick.
End Transmission.