(no subject)

May 10, 2005 00:14

As finals come to a close, so does the curtain fall on my first complete year at the University of Georgia. It's been an okay ride, with very uneventful ups and not-very-downs. Hopefully next year, the ups will be better and the downs will become non-existent, but that is the best example of wishful thinking I have ever heard of.

As of Sunday, I am now 20 years old. The teen years have quietly faded to black like so many of the little endings of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (you know exactly what I'm talking about). Sadly, I know that my twentieth year will draw to the exact same close, as there is nothing special about it besides the anticipation of the next birthday... and believe me, I am already feeling the itch to buy alcohol legally.

Finished my last final today in less than an hour... I tore that thing a new one. 80 questions in 45 minutes may just be a personal record.

Sadly, I will only be in Marietta for the next few days. I'm leaving for D.C. this Friday for my internship that I really didn't want. Oh well, as I say so often, thems the breaks. At least I'll be able to see a cool city I've never been to before, which holds some merit in my eyes, but fetching coffee and answering phonecalls from drunken rednecks telling Tom Price that we need to enslave blacks again doesn't sound appealing to me... does that sound appealing to you?



I just got done saying some rather scathing, hurtful things to Megan Remmel. I sincerely apologize for the strength of the remarks, but they are more or less for the best. If you care to read the AIM exchange,
NagemLemmer: DUDE
fireindeedhot: hey
fireindeedhot: it's been a LONG time
fireindeedhot: what's happening?
NagemLemmer: I'm still at school. Unlike all you lucky bastards
fireindeedhot: indeed
fireindeedhot: that's because your stupid school is on a dumb

quarterly system, stupid
fireindeedhot: tee hee hee
NagemLemmer: But I don't start classes until Sept. 14
NagemLemmer: it all equals out
fireindeedhot: aye, verily
NagemLemmer: how was your first year of college?
fireindeedhot: ehh
fireindeedhot: alright
fireindeedhot: good gradewise, hopefully concluding on a good note
fireindeedhot: but I'm still waiting for my finals to be graded
fireindeedhot: I finished my last one today
NagemLemmer: see, I get my grades back within three days after

classes end
NagemLemmer: benefit of small school
fireindeedhot: nice
fireindeedhot: indeed
NagemLemmer: so are you living in Athens this summer?
fireindeedhot: well, yes and no
fireindeedhot: I'm doing an internship in DC for the first half,

then coming back to marietta for a few weeks, then going to Athens

to live with my brother and work
NagemLemmer: What internship!?
fireindeedhot: I'm interning for Congressman Tom Price
NagemLemmer: sweet
fireindeedhot: ehh
NagemLemmer: dude, that's awesome
fireindeedhot: I'm not in to politics
NagemLemmer: I can't stand the man
NagemLemmer: but the opportunity is good
fireindeedhot: I hate resume fluffing
NagemLemmer: lol
NagemLemmer: it has to be done
fireindeedhot: I hate it more than most things I can think of
fireindeedhot: I am totally serious, though
fireindeedhot: how does me getting someone coffee qualify me over

someone else who worked at a supermarket or anything else for that

fireindeedhot: it doesn't
NagemLemmer: because you'll be able to sit in on meetings, read

memos, type letters
NagemLemmer: I have an internship at the ACLU
NagemLemmer: Mine is definitely hands-on
NagemLemmer: You don't know. Price might have you do a lot more

than you think
fireindeedhot: I have a strong feeling that I'll be doing nothing

but bitch-work and never getting to see the political process

occur, even if I was interested in it in the first place
NagemLemmer: then why did you go for the internship when there are

people like me who would kill for that internship?
fireindeedhot: I didn't, my dad forced it upon me
fireindeedhot: he worked his magic with all his "connections" and

basically got me the job behind my back
fireindeedhot: more or less "Son, cancel all your plans because

you're not doing something you want to do this summer!"
NagemLemmer: Evan, don't complain about this. You have an

opportunity most college kids will never get.
fireindeedhot: that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it
fireindeedhot: and even if I do, I will knowing that I never did

this for myself in the first place, just to get my dad off of my

fireindeedhot: it's a lose-lose situation in my eyes, granted they

are rather pessimistic at this point
NagemLemmer: obviously lol
fireindeedhot: how would you like to someday realize that

everything you have done, everything you've won or achieved, was

for someone else the whole time?
fireindeedhot: I realize that every day I wake up, every day I go

to class, and every time I get a good grade on a test or paper
fireindeedhot: the A doesn't belong to me, it's just another

bragging right milestone for my dad so he feels ensured he'll live

in a nice old-folks home when he retires
fireindeedhot: EVERYTHING
fireindeedhot: and I am absolutely tired of it
NagemLemmer: Evan, we are not going to agree on this subject, so

how about we drop it?
fireindeedhot: with all due respect, you're just backing out of an

arguement where you're opinion doesn't count as evidence
fireindeedhot: the same thing happened when we debated over what

constitutes a good musician or artist, remember?
NagemLemmer: I'll talk to you later Evan. Have a safe trip home.
fireindeedhot: there you go again
fireindeedhot: quit acquiecing to defeat and fight back, dammit!
fireindeedhot: tell me why I should enjoy that internship
fireindeedhot: give me some reasons
fireindeedhot: deflate my ego
fireindeedhot: do it now
fireindeedhot: I DARE you to make me want that internship
NagemLemmer: Evan, you're just in a fighting mood tonight, and I'm

not. Don't enjoy the internship. Go in there with a bad attitude

and see how much respect you earn.
fireindeedhot: respect from liars is worth nothing
fireindeedhot: politicians are liars... artful, charismatic liars
fireindeedhot: their respect is more worthless than what I flush

down a toilet
NagemLemmer: well apparently I deserve no respect because I plan

on being a politician one day
fireindeedhot: you know what... I don't care what you do with your

life as long as you're happy. But don't think you'll be doing

anybody any good when you wind up saying one thing and doing

another so you can appease your political base and keep the

talking heads on TV blathering about you
fireindeedhot: if you want power, become a CEO. If you want

recognition, be a saint. If you want both, sell your soul and lie,

because that's all that you'll be doing when you're in office
fireindeedhot: you could easily do anything you wanted to, yet you

want to be a deceitful, backstabbing bastard... and get payed for

NagemLemmer: So is it impossible to be in politics and not be

fireindeedhot: pretty much
fireindeedhot: power corrupts
NagemLemmer: I'm glad you have so much faith and confidence in me.
fireindeedhot: I would if you didn't become a career liar
NagemLemmer: why do you see this in black and white?
fireindeedhot: because it IS
fireindeedhot: if you are in office, you have to get things done.

The power the office holds deludes people into believing that can

do what they wish, for whatever reason it may be--both good or

fireindeedhot: however, it leads to abuse
fireindeedhot: and in this case, like many, the ends do not

justify the means
fireindeedhot: going to incite some rebellions in foreign

countries? gonna fix some ballots? rig a few elections? lie about

your opponent?
fireindeedhot: Hell, even allowing people to lie is wrong, don't

you think>
fireindeedhot: ?
fireindeedhot: if you knew some interest group was spreading lies

about the opposing candidates, would you do anything to stop it?
fireindeedhot: answer me that
fireindeedhot: the answer is no
fireindeedhot: and why?
fireindeedhot: because no one ever has
fireindeedhot: and no one ever will, and that includes you
fireindeedhot: go ahead
fireindeedhot: become a civil servant
fireindeedhot: and serve your voters lies
fireindeedhot: if you become a president, senator, anything... I

hope that you will have the decency to do the right thing. If you

don't, if you lie, if you do the wrong thing, it will catch up to

you in a big, fat tabloid-esque scandal
fireindeedhot: good night, and good luck with your finals
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