Hey everyone
I've been thrilling myself tonight playing with pictures. It is so fun! (okay not that fun but it's pretty neat) I don't know why I haven't tried it before; actually I do. I thought it would be too hard and I'm sure the complicated stuff is. I'm enjoying myself right now so that's cool. When it gets to hard I'll probably start.
Lately I've been really into arranging fake flowers. It's fun and I like the flowers because I can't kill them like I do all my other live plants. So far I've done two new arrangements and played with another one I already had. My roomate thinks I'm crazy but that's cool.
It's been forever since I've updated which sucks because I'm actually paying to have this journal but I'm going to try and do better.
School has been crazy hectic lately; I've actually had to go to class (shocking I know ;) ). I'm taking a intro to Biology that is killing me. It's supposed to be pretty easy (I mean, really, how hard can intro to Bio really be?) but my teacher is horrible. Our test questions come from some independent question bank, not from the book or the lecture, and there is almost no way to prepare for the test. The class average on the last test was a 50%. He says he's scaling at the end of term which I am so thankful for because I have no desire to repeat this class.
Since I said I would recommend a story every time I update I'm going to do that now. It's behind a cut for those who don't want to read the recommendation.
Without further ado here is my Smallville story recommendation (just in time to catch the end of fanfic author appreciation week):
The Memoirs by
kelex and
ladyflowdi. It is an epic length CLex story. It is a WIP but since it has over 350 chapters it will take awhile to catch up to the updates. Be sure to read the warnings though because it is NC-17 with really cool alien!Clark stuff that goes on. I highly recommend this story.
That is my only recommendation right now because I've been reading only The Memoirs and I just got caught up and am now waiting patiently (if it kills me :P ) for the next update.
I have more to update but I'll do it later and I'll put up some of the pictures I've been playing with and pictures of my flower arrangements (I'm oddly proud of them). Until next time.
eta: It appears that for some reason my cuts aren't working. I'll fix it but it will have to wait until after I get some sleep.
eta2: It looks like I'm just an idiot because the cuts really do somewhat work; more work is definately a necessity but it's okay for now.