the state of me

May 04, 2011 11:56

So ThingTwo got himself charged with assault and battery right before spring break. In his defense, he was getting sick, and the other kid (according to every adult I've spoken to about the incident) is a provoking PITA. In his offense (if that's a phrase) he knows better and did it anyway, the idiot. So.

The local courts do this thing called a Juvenile Justice Committee. (Hello, Mr Orwell, what are you doing here in 2011?) It's a diversion program for first offenses. They come up with some sort of alternative--community service, research/essays, various educational programs--and he's got 90 days to complete whatever it is, plus a class in law.

We did the intake appointment this week, and the committee itself is likely to be on/near his birthday, next week. He says it's all bullshit, and he's not going. I told him to have fun in jail.

Clearly, he's cycling again. I don't know that jiggling meds is worth it (it never has been in the past) and his current in-home therapy runs out on his birthday, since he'll be 18. For all the talk about smooth transition of services, it's pretty clear that there's going to be no such thing. Hopefully we can ride out this cycle, and things will settle down in the summer, but every time he's been admitted, it's been in April or May. We'll see, I guess.

In lighter news, I'm in love. Through a longish series of oddball happenings and coincidences, I was introduced to Carolina beach music. Think a slow swing, or bluesy big band. I've heard it called blue-eyed soul, too. I love it! I like blues and swing anyway, and this is the lighter/slower end of the scale. There's a dance that goes with it, called shagging, that you can still do in various beach pavillions (and a local place) up and down the Carolina coast.

Dear Mother Nature,

What happened? It was 85 yesterday. Today, right now, it's 51! This is unacceptable. I want my summer back!


A Fan of Summer

whacky kids

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