warmth - part 21 (final)

Jul 21, 2009 17:04

Title: Warmth
Pairings: Junsu/Yoochun, Changmin/Jaejoong/Yunho
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat vulgar language, weak graphic images
Genre: Romance, angst, science-fiction-ish
A/N: Oh my dears, I am so happy I finished this!
Summary: One trip to the Old Forest sends Junsu and Changmin into another world full of mistakened myths and new realizations. A vampire's goal in life is to live for eternity and feed from the warmth of a human. If that is so, what is a werewolf's goal?

Previous: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7  / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20

. : : . : : . : : .

Jaejoong was as frozen as one creature could get. He was crouched slightly in a posture that suggested defense and caution, but his eyes were wide with fear and worry for his two lovers and friend merely twenty feet ahead of him. Yunho was absolutely tense with alarm and anger and fear and worry that even Yoochun was shaken from the sheer power of it while Changmin lay cold and lifeless in Yunho’s arms. Yoochun could not hear a heartbeat coming from the former-human anymore.

That meant that Yunho was successful. He had saved Changmin!

But now they had to save themselves from whatever came next.

The wolves had a tight circle around Jaejoong-their golden eyes never left the angel’s delicate figure-while another group formed a line between the vampire and the others. Their huge, dark forms were illuminated by the pale moonlight as were their fangs and other sharp teeth. Yoochun counted at least sixteen werewolves-a strong pack. This was his first time encountering them, and deep down he hoped that it would be his last.

The air was tense for a long two minutes before one wolf stepped up; he was a huge brown beast with darker golden eyes and an aura about him that screamed alpha. Yoochun couldn’t help but whimper and curl backwards from the immense presence.

Yunho was not affected at all. The handsome vampire barred his fangs dangerously in the leader’s direction, daring him to take a step closer. The alpha did not falter from the warning, but he did stop just in front of the line of wolves. He looked at Yunho with a piercing gaze before demanding, “Hand over the newborn,” in a deep voice that shook Yoochun to his very core.

Yunho all but snarled at the werewolf as he held Changmin even closer to his body. Some of the younger wolves growled in fury, their claws itching to tear into the vampire’s body. “Stand down,” the alpha ordered to them, immediately calming their anger. He then looked back to Yunho. “We have killed the other newborns within our forest and will see to the very last one, including you and your companion. Your presence in my forest has existed for far too long and has brought nothing but danger to my family and humanity. I will tolerate it no longer.”

Yoochun swiftly got to his feet, ready to defend the vampires. “You’ve got it all wrong-”

“Silence!” the alpha ordered in his powerful voice, sending Yoochun back to his knees. “I will not listen to a halfling like you.”

Yoochun’s whimper enraged Jaejoong who was watching the entire scene with obsidian eyes. “How could you treat him like that?” he exclaimed in disbelief.

The alpha ignored Jaejoong and looked back to Yunho. “Your terror on humans shall end here. Hand him over now or we will take him from you.”

Yunho’s snarl was terrifying and fierce. “You won’t touch him!”

The surrounding wolves growled and snapped in Yunho’s direction. Their paws dug into the soil of the earth, ready to leap forward at any moment. Jaejoong’s heart clenched in fear as he screamed, “You must listen! We have done nothing wrong! It was not us who turned those humans but another vampire!”

Two wolves instantly jumped and sank their fangs into Jaejoong’s shoulder and arm, yanking the vampire to the ground and pinning him there.

“JAEJOONG!” Yunho screamed, his eyes wide with fear and absolute rage. Yoochun stepped in front of the irate vampire to keep him from moving forward. His yellow eyes locked with those of the alpha. “Let him go! They have done nothing to deserve such treatment from you.”

“A halfling such as you should not even care for these monsters. Your words are corrupted and mean nothing to me.”

“That creature could never be a monster, nor could Yunho or Changmin! He is the most gentle and sincere person to ever exist in this world! Release him!”

The alpha made no move to oblige, but the wolves holding Jaejoong to the ground caused him no more harm. The angelic vampire bit his lower lip from expressing his pain and fear of the entire situation. Though he could not see his family, he sensed their presence.

“I will ask one final time,” said the alpha as he stepped closer to Yoochun and Yunho. “Give us the newborn or perish.”

“We won’t give him to you,” Yoochun replied, his voice shaky but firm. “He is my friend, and I will not let anyone harm him.”

Hearing this, most of the wolves were growling with excitement for the oncoming fight. Some who were circling Jaejoong now turned to face their new prey with golden eyes ablaze. They waited for the alpha’s signal, postures tense and ready to leap. Yoochun felt fear course through him; if they were to fight they would all die. Junsu would be left all alone.


Yoochun ached to be with him. His heart clenched with the guilt of having to leave the love of his life in misery and loneliness, unprotected from the world. He felt the tears reach his eyes and all the strength leave his body.

He did not want to fight anymore.

He wanted to be with Junsu. He wanted to smile and hold his lover, kiss his lips, and cherish his existence forever.

That was all he ever wanted.

Yunho could sense the puzzlement amongst the wolves. The alpha was still silent and looking at Yoochun with questioning eyes. Even Yunho himself was wondering why they hadn’t been killed yet. Why was the alpha waiting? His arms curled Changmin against his chest until his chin was resting atop the brunette’s head. His heart begged for Jaejoong. He needed his lover beside him.

So it was true that in your time of death, the only thing you wish to do is to find that person and tell them that you love them. It was that simple.

Yet not nearly enough.

“Halfling,” came the powerful voice after a long, uneasy silence. “I will let you explain.”

Not that was an unexpected turn of events. Yoochun gaped in shock while Yunho felt completely surprised. They were given a chance! From even Jaejoong’s position, the vampire was baffled but instantly hopeful.

The pack of wolves growled in disappointment, but was silenced with one steel glance from their leader.

Yoochun’s gaze hardened as did his posture. “My name is Yoochun, but first you must release Jaejoong. Then you will get your answer.”

It was a dangerous move, but something Yunho was grateful to Yoochun for. The large alpha wolf didn’t seem like the creature to go along with such a demand, but everyone was once again shocked when the large beast turned and ordered to release the vampire. Jaejoong slowly got back to his feet with blood trailing down from his wounds, staining his white shirt.

Yunho held back a growl of fury.

Somewhat satisfied, Yoochun turned back to the alpha and explained everything to him about Yee Jung and her wrongdoings all the way to the part where he joined Yunho and Jaejoong to hunt their enemy down. The smoke and fire behind in the forest were proof of his words, and that Yee Jung was certainly dead. Changmin’s turning was also proof that he spoke the truth. Yunho had no choice but to save him.

‘Save’ was not the word most of the werewolves would agree too. ‘Curse’ or ‘destroy’ would be more like it. Still, the alpha wolf listened and said nothing until Yoochun finished speaking.

It felt as if the alpha was letting every word soak in, carefully. “If what you say is true,” he began in a soft but dangerous tone. “I am still left with no choice but to eliminate every possible threat. Vampires living here will lead to more vampires arriving and terrorizing the forest and humanity. I will not have it.”

“Then we will leave this forest,” Yunho suddenly said as he rose to his feet with Changmin cradled in his arms. A few wolves growled at the movement, but the alpha did not look concerned. Yoochun turned to look at Yunho in disbelief, but slowly…the idea seemed to become to the only option left. “Yunho,” he murmured sadly, almost knowingly. Yunho gave him a sad look himself before turning his attention back to the werewolf leader. “We will leave the forest and take any possible danger with us. We won’t return, I swear it.”

“Vampires never keep their promises,” the alpha stated. “I have killed every vampire who betrayed that trust.”

“We are not like other vampires, and though you must hear that much more than you would like it is true. Not once have we harmed a human. Not until this moment have we brought danger upon us.”

“It is true,” Yoochun vouched for the other, hoping his word would mean something to this alpha.

The leader seemed to be weighing each option. He turned to his pack and looked them over, sensing their unease, but mostly their confusion over the matter. For ages they have learned to hunt and kill their enemy the vampire, but somehow even the alpha felt that these three would be an exception-that they were telling the truth and will honor the pact if they were to make it.

Yoochun could sense the alpha turning towards agreement, but with each second he felt his heart grow sad. Even if they do go through with this pact, the vampires were still leaving. They will be leaving and taking Changmin, their friendship and love with them.

Junsu will still be sad.

“If you promise to leave and never breach the borders of this land again…I will not bring harm upon you.” Yunho and Jaejoong’s heart filled with relief upon hearing those words from the werewolf leader, but almost as quick as it came, sadness enveloped them as they nodded. The alpha then signaled towards his pack and watched as the younger wolves allowed Jaejoong to unite with his friend and lovers. Yunho leaned forward and kissed his pale lips, desperate and quick. Jaejoong returned the feelings and touches before gazing fondly over his younger lover. Even from Yoochun’s position, the half-wolf could see the sadness and guilt shining in Jaejoong’s dark eyes. “I’m sorry Minnie…” he heard the whisper and felt his own heart clench.

“I will send a few of my pack to follow you out of the forest. You have fifteen minutes.”

And with that, the huge beast turned and began to run back into the forest, calling his pack to him as his giant paws pounded against the earth.

The vampires and half-wolf were left alone in the clearing, hearts filled with nothing but sadness.

. : : . : : . : : .

They reached the familiar house within minutes. Yunho had laid Changmin’s still body onto the couch while Jaejoong knelt beside him. He stroked the brunette’s paling cheek with his cold knuckles. “I miss his warmth…” he murmured in a sad voice.

“Jae…” Yunho said, his tone broken and lost. “Jae, I had no choice…I’m sorry.”

The angelic vampire stood and cradled his lover’s face between his delicate hands. “Do not be sorry for saving the love of our lives, Yunho. Do not feel guilt for something you did right. We have Changmin now, and will forever.”

“But I’ve taken him away from Junsu…”

Despite the heavy sadness weighing on his heart, Jaejoong kissed his lover’s quivering lips and the skin upon his handsome face. “He will understand, I promise you that.”

Yunho still could not shake the doubt from his heart, but he kissed and held his lover, whispering his affections and feelings of relief into the other’s ear. His hands gently slid down the expanse of the pale neck, hovering over the deep cuts in the other’s shoulder. “How are you injuries?” he asked with concern.

Jaejoong smiled his affection and kissed the corner of Yunho’s mouth. “They are healing well, love.”

Yoochun watched from the doorway, heart heavy itself and eyes moistening with sadness. Yes, he was relieved that everyone had made it out alive and in one piece, but they were hurt both physically and emotionally in the past twenty-four hours. Junsu hurt and recovering in the hospital, Changmin turned just before walking through Death’s door, his only two vampire companions being banished from their home for reasons not of their making…

Yoochun could feel nothing but horrible sadness and guilt. He eventually met Jaejoong’s sad gaze and felt his last resistance crumble. He slowly moved to stand before the two vampires, allowing Jaejoong to envelop him in his delicate embrace. “We will miss you, Yoochunnie. Take good care of our SuSu, okay?”

Yoochun nodded into Jaejoong’s shoulder. “Of course,” he whispered with promise; he was speaking on his lover’s behalf as well, the weight of Junsu’s life beating solely in his heart.

When Jaejoong pulled away, Yoochun felt like crying. That’s what an angel could do to you when you see him like this-reduce everyone to tears. Nothing could describe the sheer torment in Jaejoong’s beautiful eyes. The vampire did not want to leave, not now, not ever.

Yunho slowly lifted Changmin back into his arms, expression hardening almost instantly. “Jae, he’s waking up.”

Everyone’s eyes fell on Changmin’s pale form now stirring against Yunho’s chest. “He needs to feed,” Jaejoong suddenly said as he moved closer to look over his younger lover. Changmin whimpered as he felt the angel’s delicate fingers stroke the skin upon his throat. Yunho’s eyes narrowed with worry. “We don’t have any,” he stated.

“He can have mine,” Yoochun announced, causing the two vampires to look at him in surprise. Yoochun’s expression was filled with nothing but care and concern for his lover’s closest friend, his friend as well. The half-wolf pulled back the collar of his already torn shirt and slowly advanced toward the three. “I will return the favor.”

Yunho eyes glistened with something Yoochun could not place while Jaejoong stared at him in confusion. But still, the two vampires did not refuse Yoochun’s request. “Come here, Chunnie,” said the angel as he reached out and carefully pulled the half-wolf closer. Yoochun stood before the pair of vampires, his eyes looking from their dark gazes down to Changmin still stirring and whimpering in Yunho’s arms. He felt someone’s hand-Jaejoong’s-press gently to his back, urging him to lean down. “I’m sure this will hurt,” the angel said in an apologetic tone. “Minnie doesn’t hold back when it comes to eating.”

Yoochun held back a smirk as he leaned forward. “I can take it,” he assured. His eyes locked onto the newborn vampire’s face as Changmin seemed to sense the blood pulsing through his first feed nearby. Those once brown eyes were now shining a bright orange once they opened to see the expansive of skin before him. Yoochun shivered and winced when he felt fierce fangs pierce his neck. ‘It’s true’ he thought as the vampire drank. ‘The kid really doesn’t hold back…’

Yunho carefully held Changmin as he and Jaejoong watched their young lover feed. A sense of pride and joy filled their hearts. Their Changmin was with them again.

It was Changmin himself who pulled away minutes later. Yoochun stumbled slightly but Jaejoong caught him. All eyes were on the young vampire now somewhat awake in Yunho’s arms.

Those orange eyes locked with Yoochun’s. The half-wolf could see the deepest apology shining within them. “Sorry…” the brunette whispered weakly. “Tell Su…sorry…”

And then he fell back into a much-needed slumber. Yunho shifted the other back against his chest before looking pointedly at Jaejoong. “We need to leave.”

The sadness returned the moment Jaejoong steadied Yoochun on his feet. The angelic vampire smiled for the half-wolf as he looked at the creature he befriended not too long ago. Yoochun stared back, mixed emotions playing across his face for all to see. He gestured to the door. “Hurry and leave,” he said softly. “The wolves are waiting.”

Jaejoong nodded sadly, but he kept smiling…those blinding rows of teeth not failing to warm Yoochun’s heart.

“See you soon, Chunnie.”

Yoochun wanted to cry but he held it in. He shared a long look with Yunho once Jaejoong moved towards the front door. “Thank you,” was all he could say, his heart filled with gratitude for what this vampire had done to save his life.

Yunho gave the half-wolf one of his rarest grins-a smile, and replied, “Same to you.”

Yoochun grinned himself and watched as Yunho walked to Jaejoong’s side, carrying Changmin in his strong arms. The vampires shared one last look with the half-wolf standing in their living room, silently conveying whatever feelings toward the other, before opening the door and sprinting out into the night they loved so much.

Somehow, the emptiness Yoochun expected to feel was not there.

Instead, he felt nothing but warmth.

. : : . : : . : : .

It was difficult to open his eyes, Junsu realized. His head felt heavy and he could not place whether he was wiggling his toes or not. Something light was trapping his body from the cold layer of air he felt upon his face and neck. Something was beeping. Junsu’s crinkled his nose the moment he smelt the pristine obvious smell of the hospital.


The redhead’s eyes instantly opened and his body sat up-well, tried to sit up. Junsu all but whimpered as he felt a sharp pain in his chest, causing him to gasp and fall back onto the bed. The pain continued to burn, but then there was something warm and gentle suddenly holding his face and shoulder. Junsu squinted as his eyes opened, wincing from the sudden bright light, and looked to his left.

His heart all but swallowed itself.

“Hey there,” whispered the absolute love of his life. Junsu could already feel the tears swelling up in his eyes.

“Hi,” he said meekly, almost shyly as he leaned forward the moment Yoochun’s face came closer. Their lips met and a furious, desperate, needy kiss ensued, rendering Junsu’s body to a puddle of goo yet again. He ignored the burning still flaring in his chest and reached up with one hand so he could pull Yoochun closer. His hand slid around the other’s neck, bringing him so close that Yoochun’s nose bumped awkwardly with Junsu’s, sending the redhead into a nonstop fit of giggles.

Oh how the atmosphere could change. Yoochun was glad for it. The brunette rested his elbows on top of the bed so he could nuzzle his nose against every inch of Junsu’s skin. “T-that tickles Yoochun,” the redhead giggled. “You’re like a dog!”

“Technically, I am half that,” the other murmured as he pulled back to place a soft kiss on Junsu’s lips. The redhead sighed in content as he finally rested his head back on the fluffy pillow, a soft smile on his face. Yoochun looked over him, his chocolate eyes filled with nothing but love and fondness. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

Junsu smiled. “Very well now because of that wonderful morning kiss.”

Yoochun smirked as he kissed those lips yet again. “I could do that every morning if you like.”

Junsu all but purred under his lover’s touch. “I’m looking forward to it.”

They continued with the adoring touches and kisses for a good ten minutes before Junsu began to recall why he was in the hospital in the first place. By then, Yoochun was lying right beside his lover, hand entwined with Junsu’s between their bodies while the other was stroking Junsu’s cheek. The redhead’s eyes were closed in content, but his mind was not. “Yoochun,” he murmured quietly. “Can I ask what happened?”

Yoochun tensed for a mere second before relaxing. “What do you want to know first?” he asked in a soft, breaking voice.

Upon hearing such a voice, Junsu opened his eyes to look up at his lover. “What’s wrong?” he asked in concern. Yoochun was unsure if that was concern for him or for the entire situation he was about to learn of.

“What happened?” Junsu asked once again, his voice quiet and nervous.

Yoochun closed his eyes and let every single scene, emotion, and image replay across his mind…from carrying Junsu to the hospital to watching those three vampires walk out the door…

And opened his lips so he could voice the tragedy that still ended with a single thread of hope.

. : : . : : . : : .

Much time has passed since the day Changmin, Jaejoong, and Yunho had left the forest. Yoochun has yet to see the werewolves again or hear of any new vampires arriving in the area. For that Yoochun was thankful. The less dangerous creatures, the more Junsu was safe.

To say his young lover took the news of his friends’ situation like a normal person would be the greatest understatement of the year. Yoochun watched since the day Junsu left the hospital the redhead holding back every tear and withstanding every pain by smiling instead. It hurt the half-wolf’s heart to merely watch Junsu practically crumble within his grasp. The redhead dismisses his every concern by saying those two irritating words…

I’m fine.

Yeah, Yoochun wanted to huff, like Hell.

Everything reminded Junsu of Changmin, Yoochun could see it. When he picked up his lover from school or the record shop, whenever it rained and Junsu’s shoes got slicked with mud, whenever they ate food, whenever they traveled to the park, whenever they rode in a car or merely sat on the couch cuddling like the lovebirds they were, the fucking apartment where Junsu used to live; everything reminded Junsu of who was gone.

They have not ventured to the Old Forest since that day, not even once.

Somehow, Yoochun was glad; it was save Junsu the pain of remembering every memory he had of that forest. Too many things happened under those trees.

Yoochun’s head perked up when he spotted Junsu amongst the school crowd His young lover was rushing toward him with a big smile plastered on his face. Yoochun felt relieved to see the other in such a happy mood and he voiced his curiosity once he had Junsu in his arms. The redhead was practically squealing.

“What, don’t you remember?” the other asked as he pulled away. “Today is the anniversary of the day we met!”

Yoochun’s eyes widened in shock. Junsu remembered such a day? “It is?” he voiced his bafflement. “I never kept track.”

“Dork! Today at exactly-” Junsu checked his watch, “10:34 P.M, you and I will have known each other for an entire year! Isn’t that exciting?”

“Um,” was all Yoochun could say. His lover was really puzzling him here. He actually checked his watch at the time a year ago? Yoochun never noticed…

“Well, I made plans for us today. Come on, we have to get home and get ready, okay? Let’s go!”

Yoochun let himself be led-dragged-all the way home.

. : : . : : . : : .

Worry instantly etched on his face.

“Yoochun, stop looking like that. It’s not that scary.”

The half-wolf gave his lover a deadpan look. “I am scared not because of what you think, but what I think.”

Junsu held onto the brunette’s arm, practically snuggling against him. “What are you scared of? I want to be here.”

Yoochun stared long and hard into those beautiful brown eyes, searching for any hint of doubt, fear, or remembrance. “Are you sure?” he asked with uncertainty.

“Yes,” Junsu answered before kissing the other’s lips. “I am more than sure. Now come on, we need to hit every ride before it closes!”

Once again, Yoochun was pulled along by his lover onto every rollercoaster and through every fun house. They ate cotton candy and snacked on some elephant ears, letting the atmosphere of the fair consume them both. By the time Yoochun realized Junsu was getting tired, the half-wolf had completely forgotten his early fear of being here in the first place.

Yoochun wrapped an arm around Junsu’s waist, steadying the redhead so he wouldn’t fall. “Let’s go home Su, you’re tired.”

Junsu immediately shook his head. “I still have one place to take us.”

“But Junsu-”

“No buts,” the other interrupted before pulling away from Yoochun and all but sprinting towards the first clearing out of the fair and across the grounds. Yoochun felt panic instantly and rushed after his lover.

It was easy to catch up to the redhead-he gave up running ten seconds after he passed by the fair’s entrance. Yoochun was walking right beside his lover, eyes wide and alert, body tense and heart filled with worry. They were nearing the forest and Yoochun did not like that fact one bit.

“Junsu, I think we should turn back,” Yoochun said as the trees came closer and closer. Again he saw Junsu shake his head as he continued to walk forward. The noise from the fair was growing dimmer and dimmer.

Finally, the moment Junsu could touch the first tree with his fingertips, he stopped.

Yoochun watched as Junsu just stood there, hand planted against the tree, head lowered and shoulders slumped. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his lover’s waist, pressing his body to Junsu’s back. “Sit down Su, you’re tired…”

The half-wolf was happy when Junsu complied. Moments passed and Yoochun was leaning against the tree with Junsu resting against the expanse of his chest, his small body fitting almost perfectly against him. Yoochun kissed his lover’s forehead. “Why are we out here, love?” he asked softly.

Junsu’s hand found Yoochun’s and he brought them forward so he could kiss the brunette’s knuckles. “I wanted to show you that I am truly fine. That I have accepted what has happened and I feel no more guilt or sadness.”

Yoochun’s heart fluttered upon hearing those words. “You do?”

Junsu nodded. “All I feel now is hope that I will get to see them again with you right beside me.”

The words were true and deep. Yoochun did not doubt them. He heard the choked sniffles and felt Junsu’s body shaking before he turned his lover’s face up to meet his eyes. “I miss them…” the redhead admitted softly. Tears shined and trailed down those beautiful cheeks, but Yoochun’s heart did not tear at the sight. Instead, he felt grateful and proud that his lover spoke the truth to him. “I know, Junsu,” he whispered before pulling the other into a deep kiss. Junsu rolled his body around and pressed firmly against the brunette, fingers clutching at Yoochun’s leather jacket in a tight grip. He let the warmth of Yoochun’s lips and body burn to the very corners of his heart, mind, and soul. He kissed Yoochun as the tears continued to drip off his chin and onto the hands gently cupping his cheeks.

“I’m so happy I met you,” the redhead whispered in between kisses. “Yoochun, I love you so much…”

“I know,” Yoochun murmured as he held his lover close and continued to nip and suckle Junsu’s lips. “I love you too.”

“Forever and ever?” the other whimpered, fingers still desperately clutching at Yoochun’s jacket. He heard the half-wolf huff quietly, the smile laced in his husky voice. Yoochun gently pulled Junsu away so he could stare into those beautiful brown depths.

“Of course love,” he said with absolute certainty. His lips now ghosted closer and closer towards Junsu’s swollen ones. “Forever and ever.”

And with those sappy, loveable last words, Yoochun kissed his human lover breathless under the glow of moonlight.

. : : . : : . : : .


A/N 2: All I can say to everyone was had read this, THANK YOU! I hope everyone enjoyed! You are awesome people! And yes, it’s obvious, there shall be a sequel but that won’t be up for awhile unless I get too excited and decide to start writing it like crazy-I’m anticipating it myself! Again guys, you are awesome. Thank you!

…………………………………….comments are like epic, valuable hockey pucks!

yunjaemin, dbsk, yoosu, warmth, fanfic

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