warmth - part 19

Jul 06, 2009 20:36

Title: Warmth
Pairings: Junsu/Yoochun, Changmin/Jaejoong/Yunho
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat vulgar language, weak graphic images
Genre: Romance, angst, science-fiction-ish
A/N: Short, probably not sweet. I'm happy to somehow update despite my awesome summer.
Summary: One trip to the Old Forest sends Junsu and Changmin into another world full of mistakened myths and new realizations. A vampire's goal in life is to live for eternity and feed from the warmth of a human. If that is so, what is a werewolf's goal?

Previous: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7  / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18

. : : . : : . : : .

Yoochun waited until Junsu was sound asleep before kissing his lover’s forehead and pulling away. He pressed his bare feet to the cold, wooden floor and silently made his way out of the room and into the kitchen. There, just as he had sensed, were two concerned vampires, one smiling softly upon his entrance while the other remained as stiff as solid rock. Yoochun ignored Yunho’s ever-displeased look and stopped behind one of the kitchen chairs. Jaejoong was sitting with his lover standing right beside him. The angel’s smile was comforting despite the situation. “How is Junsu?” he asked in a soft voice.

“Resting fine,” the half-wolf answered. “How was the hunt?”

Jaejoong’s sigh was filled with a great sadness. “Unrewarding. There wasn’t a single trace of the children anywhere; not even near the mountain range.”

That was not good news and that nerved Yoochun. He kept his sudden urge to insult the vampire’s ‘tracking skills’ in check since the last time an insult was heard, that certain someone had to answer to a very unhappy Jaejoong. That was something Yoochun felt he did not want to receive.

“We will head out again at dawn,” said Yunho in a low tone. “The children cannot have gone far. They have no reason too.”

“They are afraid of us,” Yoochun said simply, pride swelling in his heart at that fact. Despite the smirk that threatened to upturn Yunho’s lips, the vampire shook his head. “That is not it. There must be another reason.”

“They’re hiding,” the half-wolf suggested.

“Possibly,” whispered Jaejoong. His eyes held great sadness despite the anger coursing throughout his angelic body. Yoochun could see and sense Jaejoong’s pain; the vampire did not like this whole tracking business. He did not like having his loved ones in danger. He did not want to kill. Yoochun could sympathize immensely. Knowing that Junsu was in danger created hot anger in his heart. He didn’t want Junsu out of his sight.

It was obvious Jaejoong didn’t want Changmin out of his either. Yunho just as much except that he wasn’t showing it that much. His composure always seemed to be stiff and set in stone, unchanging.

But Yoochun has seen that stone-like composure crumble. Many times in fact.

“We just continue to ask for your help Yoochunnie,” said Jaejoong after a short, thoughtful silence. Yoochun couldn’t help but huff at the nickname, but said nothing. Jaejoong smiled at him again. “Protect them, okay?” he asked sweetly.

“…of course,” the brunette said confidently.

And with that, he left the room and returned to holding his precious, sleeping, ever-so-tormenting Junsu.

. : : . : : . : : .

Changmin was one extremely unhappy camper when he woke up to find a small yet sweet note upon the pillow beside him-Jaejoong’s pillow to be precise. The brunette stormed into the kitchen, startling Junsu who was cooking some eggs for breakfast. Yoochun merely arched an eyebrow once he saw the frustrated expression upon the taller human’s face.

“Where are they?” he demanded.

Junsu was surprised by the controlled anger, but also by the question. “Where are who?” he asked.

“Don’t play dumb, Junsu,” Changmin retorted hotly. “Where did Jae and Yunho go?”

Junsu’s face expressed utter puzzlement. “Aren’t they with you?”

“No, they are not. That is why I am asking you where they went!”

Junsu blinked twice before glancing toward Yoochun. Changmin followed his gaze, allowing his powerful brown eyes to bore down upon the half-wolf. “Do you know where they went?” he asked all but politely.

Yoochun unfolded his arms against his chest and limped over to where Changmin stood, letting his own powerful gaze bore into Changmin. “They left at dawn to look for the children again since yesterday they found nothing,” the brunette’s voice was soft in hopes of calming the irate human. “They will be back by midnight.”

Changmin’s shoulders slumped. “Again?” he mumbled unhappily. “How long will they keep this up...?”

“Until the children are found and Yee Jung is dead,” Yoochun answered simply. “Changmin,” the half-wolf placed a hand upon the other’s shoulder, offering comfort. “They will be fine, I promise you.”

Junsu was watching the exchange quizzically. Changmin glanced up to meet Yoochun’s eyes, some curiosity glinting against those brown orbs. “You sound like you have confidence in Yunho,” he murmured. “It’s not like you to complement him.”

Yoochun’s eyes narrowed. “I did not complement him.”

Junsu’s giggle could not be muffled by the sound of frying eggs. Yoochun pulled his hand away from Changmin so he could turn and place it over Junsu’s mouth. The redhead squealed and pulled away, shouting, “That tickles!” before smiling over at Changmin.

Those shoulders didn’t seem to slump anymore, for Changmin was grinning like the goofy nerd he was while Yoochun was happily trying to put his hand back over his lover’s mouth. The redhead giggled and swatted the hand away with his spatula, ordering him to stop and to go wait in the living room until breakfast was ready. Yoochun stepped closely, kissing Junsu’s forehead with a smile before grabbing Changmin’s arm and pulling him out of the kitchen.

Junsu couldn’t stop smiling as he continued to fry the eggs. Eventually the bacon was sizzling and the alluring smell of fried strips of pork filtered throughout the house. Changmin’s distinct cry of “BACON!” echoed throughout the house, causing the redhead to chuckle and a place a few more strips of meat onto the skillet. ‘Just for Min’ he thought happily.

It was then that Junsu turned just in time to both see and hear the window nearby shatter into pieces. Before the redhead could blink, something dark flew through the now open window and tackled him to the floor. The breath flew from Junsu’s lungs the moment sharp, burning pain flared up his chest.

His cry of pain was more than enough to bring Yoochun barreling into the kitchen. A very familiar snarl ripped from his lover’s throat; the sound was like thunder crackling just before lightening struck the earth. Junsu could barely see though, tears were blurring his eyes-tears fueled by the white hot pain burning in his chest. He felt the heavy weight suddenly lifted from his body, and at that moment, all Junsu did was curl into a tight ball, letting his legs and arms shield his hurt body.

That only caused more tendrils of pain to flare throughout his chest. Junsu cried out again, ignoring the tears trailing down his cheeks. He felt something firm grip his upright shoulder-

“Don’t touch him!” howled Yoochun’s familiar voice.

The weight was ripped from his shoulder. Junsu heard a body collide with the nearby wall. He heard the snarls of the other person or whatever creature it was. Those sounds were nothing like those of Yoochun’s.

‘A vampire’ Junsu realized amidst his pain.

They found them.

The vampire snarled again before Junsu could hear his feet leave the floor. The moment Junsu opened his eyes was the moment the vampire collided with the body in front of him-the body being none else than Yoochun-and sent the two tumbling behind the redhead. Junsu cried out as he felt something like legs strike his legs shielding his chest. The movement made his chest flare even more.

There were more vicious snarls, but Yoochun’s distinct howl echoed throughout the room. Junsu couldn’t comprehend whether the sound was comforting or terrifying; he just lay there upon the kitchen floor, holding as still as he possibly could.

He heard several punches, dishes shattering upon the floor, snarls, howls, and even the flesh being torn away from the body. Despite his position, Junsu was desperately worried for Yoochun’s safety.

He painfully turned his body onto his other side, holding his breath as white hot fire burned his chest, and looked up.

He watched as a single, unfamiliar head fell onto the floor and rolled into the lower cabinets, blood pooling slightly underneath it.

Junsu cried out in horror before uncurling his legs and pushing away from the dismembered head. Yoochun was kneeling before him in an instant. “Junsu!” the half-wolf called out carefully as he tried to calm his lover. “Junsu, look at me!”

Those bright eyes shined with tears, pain, and absolute fear. Yoochun felt his heart constrict with guilt as he reached for Junsu’s face. The redhead’s eyes landed on his hand and they widened like saucers.

It was then that Yoochun realized the blood covering almost every inch of his body.

“Shit,” he cursed as he quickly retracted the blood-soaked limb. Junsu’s tear-filled eyes left his gaze and stared wildly around the room. His lover’s breath was coming out in short gasps, pained wheezes and that was when Yoochun realized the redhead’s position; he was curled up in himself, obviously protecting his injured chest.

“Junsu,” Yoochun called out softly. The redhead would not look at him. “Junsu!” the brunette said loudly, ignoring his current state as he placed both his crimson hands against Junsu’s cheeks. The redhead’s eyes finally locked onto his.

Yoochun cradled that delicate, terrified face as if he would shatter at any moment. “Junsu, it’s okay,” he whispered warmly, his voice filled with nothing but the honest truth and love. He kept his eyes on Junsu every second as he leaned closer to the frightened human. “Love, the danger is gone. He’s gone. I promise you are safe…”

“Yoochun…” the other whimpered; fresh tears fell from his bright eyes. Yoochun’s own heart shattered at the sight as he carefully cradled his injured lover against his body. The brunette slid one hand through those red strands of hair while the other grasped Junsu’s shaking one. “I’m here, love…” he whispered into Junsu’s ear, kissing the skin up the tip.

Junsu’s body shook terribly, but his obvious gasps for air alerted Yoochun. The brunette pulled away slightly, and once again ignoring his current appearance, he placed his fingers along Junsu’s throat, rubbing the skin there in hopes of helping his injured lover. “Where does it hurt?” he asked carefully. Junsu’s short, desperate gasps for air caused panic to shoot through him. “Junsu, please, you must tell me.”

“Che…chest,” the redhead choked out between painful intakes of air. He closed his eyes tightly as the burning flared up his chest.

“You have to let me check over you, love.” Yoochun was once again cradling Junsu’s face. The redhead opened his eyes and nodded before slowly uncurling himself from the tight ball he put himself in. The movement was beyond painful. “It burns!” Junsu cried as more tears threatened to fall upon his cheeks; some trickled across the back of Yoochun’s hand which still held the redhead’s face.

“Can you lift your shirt?” Yoochun asked. Junsu did as he was asked, painfully so.

He could not stop the cries from escaping his lips. “I’m sorry, love,” Yoochun apologized earnestly. “I’m so sorry.” The half-wolf continued to feel around Junsu’s chest and stomach. He pressed against a certain spot, igniting a loud cry from Junsu’s mouth. The redhead pulled away from Yoochun, tears pooling from his eyes.

Yoochun’s heart crumbled completely. All he could do was apologize as he carefully and gently felt around Junsu’s chest.

“I think your ribs are broken,” he announced, the panic, worry and pain filling his own voice.

All Junsu could do was nod. He wanted to curl up again, but Yoochun ordered him to lay down upon the floor at a complete straight angle. Junsu could not stop crying, it hurt that much.

“Junsu, love,” Yoochun whimpered as he leaned as close as he could without hurting his lover. He pressed his lips to the redhead’s in hope of providing as much comfort as possible. He kissed every inch of Junsu’s face before whispering, “You need to go to the hospital…”

The half-wolf was surprised to feel Junsu kissing him back. “Are…are you hurt?”

Yoochun couldn’t help but growl, “Stop worrying about me, and worry about you!”

Junsu would hear nothing of it. The redhead stared up at Yoochun with worry and love that matched the half-wolf’s own. “Are you hurt?” he wheezed out, his breath short and filled with pain.

Yoochun closed his eyes and nuzzled his nose to Junsu’s somewhat bloody cheek. “I’m fine,” he breathed out.


Yoochun’s eyes snapped open.

His heart suddenly became hollow.

“Yoochun?” Junsu whispered, seeing his lover’s now-panicked expression. The brunette said nothing though, only disappeared from sight, leaving Junsu lying on the floor. Panic filled Junsu’s injured body-absolute panic.

The half-wolf returned into the kitchen, only to fall to his knees beside Junsu and hang his head low.

A new kind of worry and fear shined against his dark eyes.

“He’s gone.”

. : : . : : . : : .

When Jaejoong and Yunho neared their house, they knew something had gone terribly wrong. Jaejoong came to a sudden halt as he sniffed the air. Yunho stopped and did alike.

“No,” breathed the handsome vampire.

“Blood,” Jaejoong whispered, looking at his lover with sudden panic and fear.

They were home in minutes.

. : : . : : . : : .


“Junsu! Yoochun!”

The two vampires bolted into the house, only to find it dark and empty. Yunho sprinted through every inch of the house with Jaejoong at his side, both calling out their friend’s and lover’s names. They came to the kitchen and froze.

Blood was everywhere.

Blood and one dead vampire body.

“What happened here?” Yunho all but growled. “Where is Changmin? Where is everyone? I can’t even smell them-”

“Yunho, look!”

The handsome vampire stepped up behind his lover and peered down at the two pieces of paper in the angel’s hand. One was actually the corner of the original, ripped off by force. They read the smaller of the two first, mixed emotions of fear, worry, and panic evident on their faces…

Junsu is at the hospital. We were attacked. They took Changmin, and I have gone to find him.

Please make sure Junsu is alright.

I’m sorry.


“They took him…” Jaejoong whispered in disbelief. He could practically feel Yunho’s anger, fear, rage, and worry behind him.

“What is the other note?” the handsome vampire asked icily.

Jaejoong’s eyes looked at the familiar signature at the bottom of the paper. “It’s from Yee Jung,” he murmured. Yunho’s furious growl was warm and caused shivers to roll down the angel’s spine. Both their eyes fell onto the paper…

To my dear friends and enemies alike,

I have taken your precious human for simple enjoyment. I am curious as to why this creature is so adored by you, therefore I can’t wait to see who comes to be his knight in shining armor. My excitement for this game to begin is mouth-watering.

You my find him in the place he would rather not be. I’ve seen the burning fear in his eyes long before and trust me, it wasn’t pretty.

All my love,

Yee Jung

. : : . : : . : : .

Yoochun’s eyes roamed the darkness of the large forest surrounding him; his claws dug into the familiar, soft dirt beneath him, but his mind was focused only on one thing.

One person.

He had carefully washed the blood from Junsu’s cheeks before washing his own hands in the sink. He carefully carried his love into the guest bedroom, settling a blanket over his shaking, hurting form.

He had cradled Junsu within his hold with delicacy that could match Jaejoong’s. Millions of thoughts ran through his head from Junsu’s condition to the condition of the vampire’s house. If anyone saw the blood and body in the kitchen, such suspicion would arise that would cause nothing but more problems in the end.

But Junsu needed to get the hospital.

He must go.

“Yoochun,” Junsu had whispered against the brunette’s neck. “It hurts…”

“I know love,” the other murmured as he stroked Junsu’s shivering skin. “But we can’t let anyone see this place now. I have to take you to the hospital myself.”

“Then…take me…” Junsu wheezed out between his lips.

“I could hurt you further-it’s dangerous.”

“Yoochun,” Junsu breathed. “Just take me…”

Yoochun kissed his lover’s forehead. “Are you sure?”

Junsu nodded, a smile on his face despite the pain he was enduring.

And that was what Yoochun did. He had carried Junsu all the way to the hospital, silently cursing himself for not being unable to hotwire Jaejoong and Yunho’s car, and also for not being able to locate the damn keys.

But he got Junsu there nonetheless.

And he had left him there in search of Changmin.

next: part 20

…………………………..comments are like valuable hockey pucks!

yunjaemin, dbsk, yoosu, warmth, fanfic

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