warmth - part 18

Jun 20, 2009 01:29

Title: Warmth
Pairings: Junsu/Yoochun, Changmin/Jaejoong/Yunho
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat vulgar language, weak graphic images
Genre: Romance, angst, science-fiction-ish
A/N: Okay, so it is not the greatest comeback chapter, but I needed to update because of this one and only chance I was near a computer long enough to write something. Updates will not be coming as quickly as I want them too. Sorry for leaving everyone like this *le bow*
Summary: One trip to the Old Forest sends Junsu and Changmin into another world full of mistakened myths and new realizations. A vampire's goal in life is to live for eternity and feed from the warmth of a human. If that is so, what is a werewolf's goal?

Previous: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7  / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17

. : : . : : . : : .

The two new lovers, one being human and the other sharing half that humanity, rested upon that bed for what felt like eternity them both, yet it was only for mere hours. Junsu was content as he lay closely beside Yoochun, closely as in their skin tingling against each other but not closely to bring discomfort to Yoochun’s wounds. The latter seemed to not care though, for his bandaged arm was wrapped securely around Junsu’s waist and his body was pressed firmly against the other’s warm one. He felt Junsu’s fingertips curl underneath the bandages covering his chest before the redhead fell into a much-needed sleep.

Yoochun could sense the exhaustion in Junsu the moment he laid eyes on him back in the forest. Yes that disrespectful vampire was holding Junsu back--something Yoochun did not appreciate in the slightest--when he first saw him, but the dark rings forming underneath those brown eyes and the hollowed look upon his love’s face spoke of exhaustion clearer than the color of the sky covering the earth.

Guilt filled Yoochun at the thought that he was the one to pile such exhaustion on Junsu. Leaving the redhead in order to protect him sounded like the right thing to do, but apparently leaving him wasn’t the brightest of ideas. Yet again, the guilt nipped at his heart. Yoochun felt like an idiot.

His love’s fingertips scratched the unmarred skin above his chest wounds, causing Yoochun to open his eyes and stare down at the human beside him.

Such a beautiful human, a beautiful creature. His soon-to-be soul mate.

Yoochun suddenly realized that he never mentioned that part of having Junsu as his soul mate. It shocked him slightly to know that he had forgotten to mention such an important part of the entire soul mate conversation. The oh-so important and inviting binding part of it all.

The brunette silently cursed his ancestors yet praised them. Having sex--no, making love to Junsu sounded like pure heaven and hell in his ears. Of course he wanted it, craved it…but there is still Junsu’s opinion to be weighed here.

His love was new to all of this, from love to werewolf to vampires to sex, Junsu was all new to it.

Yes, Yoochun knew Junsu was a virgin. There is no need to expand further on that. He sensed the redhead’s purity the moment Junsu was two feet away from him. It’s not Yoochun’s fault his nose is sensitive to everything around him.

But the thought of being Junsu’s first, and only his first forever, sent warmth straight to his groin and caused knots to coil in his stomach. Yoochun stared longingly and lovingly upon Junsu’s face, then to his hair, neck, collarbone, shoulders, arms, chest, nip--

"Dammit!" he cursed softly as he tore his eyes away from Junsu. His racing heart wasn’t helping nor the warmth pooling in the bottom of his gut. The desire--no, the instinct to ravish Junsu from head to toe, especially in between, was carving it’s way into Yoochun’s entire being. The skin underneath his hands was warm and inviting, everything about Junsu was suddenly inviting.

Especially when those beautiful brown eyes opened to stare lazily up at Yoochun.

His control was slipping fast.

"Yoochun…?" Junsu murmured in that innocent, sweet, sleepy voice.

His control was crumbling into a pile of mush.

Luckily--yes it was damn luck--Yoochun kept his racing composure in check as he lifted his body’s weight onto one elbow so he could use his free hand to stroke Junsu’s soft cheek. "Go back to sleep, love," he cooed gently. Those brown eyes slipped shut yet again as Yoochun stroked the skin now shielding those orbs from view. The brunette felt those fingertips grazing his skin, sending scratches of warm electricity throughout his body. Junsu was oblivious to what pleasurable havoc he was wrecking upon the half-wolf beside him.

"Mmm…" the redhead murmured as his mind drifted back to relaxing slumber.

Yoochun pulled his elbow up and allowed his body to tumble back onto the soft mattress. His skin upon Junsu’s skin still causing jolts of warmth to shock through his veins as his eyes locked onto the ceiling above him.

"Dammit," he whispered again as he covered his eyes with his free hand; his heart was pounding within his chest.

Junsu was driving him crazy.

And all he was doing was sleeping.

. : : . : : . : : .

Junsu decided the moment he opened his eyes that he loved waking up in Yoochun’s arms. The half-wolf in his most innocent, vulnerable position sent feelings of love straight to Junsu’s heart. Yoochun looked so peaceful as he slept; the redhead never wanting to disturb him from his slumber.

But everyone has to wake up eventually though and deal with the oncoming day, no matter how much you want you stay curled in warm sheets--or warm arms--and sleep for another good century or so.

Junsu actually felt like he slept for an entire century. He hasn’t felt this well-rested in awhile. He let out a quiet yawn as he pulled away from Yoochun’s warm chest, releasing the slight grip he had on Yoochun’s bandage.

And that was all it took to cause Yoochun to wake, chocolate brown eyes opening immediately the moment he felt Junsu move just the slightest.

"Sorry," the redhead murmured, already missing the slumbering Yoochun’s face. "I didn’t mean to wake you."

Yoochun merely shook his head before leaning in and kissing the skin underneath his love’s right eye. Junsu instantly shuddered from the sweet gesture, and his heart melted when Yoochun asked him if he slept well. All he could do was nod dumbly before Yoochun’s lips went elsewhere. To be more precise: they went onto his lips.

It was then Junsu decided he liked mornings, or whatever time of day it was, more than any other part of the day.

Their kiss broke long moments later, but the warmth in their hearts never did. Junsu smiled up at his lover before his lips were devoured again.

Junsu could definitely get used to this.

Sadly though, their kissing time stopped short. Yoochun pulled away the moment the knocks on the door reached Junsu’s ears. Deep down, he was glad his hearing had returning completely--the knocks were that quiet--but then again, who would dare halt his precious moments with Yoochun.

When he saw Changmin peek through the doorway, he felt less of that anger. Instead, he felt a sudden self-consciousness that overwhelmed him in the blink of an eye. Heat reached his cheeks as he realized what his best friend literally walked in on.

Him, Yoochun, bed, laying together.

Well, snap.

"U-uh," came the first sounds from Changmin’s throat. The brunette paused in the doorway as he hesitantly kept his eyes on Junsu’s form--luckily he was clothed--and not the other, slightly more dominant figure beside him.

So, the predicament moved with an increasing pace into awkwardness and more awkwardness.

"Ja-Jaejoong has finished making breakfast," Changmin mumbled quickly, much to quickly. "He sent me to fetch you two out of bed."

"How…thoughtful of him," Junsu said softly, the heat unbearably noticeable on his cheeks. He felt Yoochun rise beside him, as well as the arm sneaking around his waist. "We’ll be down in a minute."

Changmin nodded quickly yet again and then he was out of there, closing the door behind him.

Junsu moaned as he buried his head into his hands. "Crap," he all but whined, digging his fingers into his skull. "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!"

"What’s wrong?" asked Yoochun, his chocolate eyes staring his love quizzically.

"He saw us," Junsu moaned before throwing his body back onto the bed, carefully because Yoochun’s arm was still wrapped around his waist. "Changmin saw us."

"And what is so wrong about that?" Yoochun inquired in all curiosity.

Junsu gave his lover the are-you-really-asking-that-obvious-question look and was baffled by the complete loss in Yoochun’s expression. The half-wolf really didn’t get what just occurred, did he? Junsu ran a hand through his hair and sighed pitifully. "Changmin saw me, his best friend, laying in the arms of another man--not that I don’t mind--and k-kissing…"

Yoochun’s oblivious look was not helping.

"Changmin saw me kissing you," Junsu strained the words ‘me’ and ‘you’ almost desperately.

"…I don’t follow."

That was when Junsu decided that he didn’t like mornings, or whatever time of day it really was, that much anymore.

Oh well.

. : : . : : . : : .

Breakfast was beyond awkward for Junsu, but the redhead failed to notice the tense atmosphere surround a certain Yoochun and a certain Yunho. Obviously, the vampire and the half-wolf did not like each other’s presence--understatement--and somehow that fact was blind to Junsu’s eyes. Changmin was still handling with what he had seen earlier and Jaejoong…well, he was being Jaejoong. The vampire was more than happy to serve his guests with delicious food--extremely delicious food. And somehow, someway, the five eating the food found the atmosphere, tension, awkwardness, or whatever it was vanish with every bite of eggs, bacon and toast they took.

Jaejoong was, of course, the one to begin their first conversation as the five sat around the kitchen table when he looked at the half-wolf and asked, "So Yoochun, how are you feeling?"

Yoochun looked up at Jaejoong with 100% caution in his eyes, but found himself answering the vampire with a reluctant "fine" before biting into another piece of buttered toast. Junsu hand was on his knee, his undamaged one, squeezing lightly whenever he felt need be.

Which was mostly every second throughout breakfast.

"Yunnie and I have come up with a plan," the angel said; he would not have silence at his kitchen table. He smiled inwardly when Yunho shot him a knowing glare at the mention of his nickname. "We were planning on leaving within the hour to scout for Yee Jung’s children."

"What?" Changmin said, not liking this plan instantly. "Shouldn’t you wait for them to get here?"

"That would be putting everyone in danger Minnie," Jaejoong murmured sadly, knowingly. "It is best to find and end them away from you and Junsu."

"But by scouting them, you are allowing them to trail your scent back here," Yoochun spoke up. "Your plan would be pointless."

"We have learned how to mask our scent wolf," Yunho all but sneered in Yoochun’s direction. "There is no way for a newborn vampire to find us when we are tracking."

"Then why were you so easy to sneak up on a couple days ago?" Yoochun countered, his chocolate eyes dark.

Yunho’s eyes turned coal black. His fingers were literally bending his fork in half. "I was caught off guard," he growled. "It will never happen again."

Yoochun huffed at that, but he felt Junsu squeeze his knee and his angry emotions subsided. Jaejoong stared at him plainly, giving him the are-you-finished expression before speaking again. "We want to leave Changmin and Junsu in your care Yoochun. Despite your injuries, I know you can protect them."

Hearing that caused a surge of pride to flow through Yoochun’s body. He felt pride in the fact that he was so well-thought of. But the thought turned black instantly because the one who spoke in such esteem of him was merely a vampire. Deep down, Yoochun still despised their race.

And yet, as he looked at Jaejoong now, he saw nothing to despise him for. Jaejoong did not appear to be the enemy he was raised to hate, to kill.

Jaejoong was like an angel only bound in the devil’s form.

"I still do not like leaving them in his…care," Yunho eventually murmured. His dark eyes were filled with mistrust and caution. Yoochun couldn’t blame him; he would felt the same way when he left his love in their care those few weeks ago.

"They will be fine," Jaejoong assured his lover. His angelic smile reaching the very corners of his lips as he stared at Yoochun with trust and care, something new to the half-wolf’s world. "Isn’t that right Yoochun?"

Yoochun tore his eyes away from those two obsidian orbs. He let out a careful, heavy breath before nodding confidently. He could barely hear the doubt in Yunho’s familiar huff. Yoochun wanted to rip the vampire’s damn head off.

"Well this is unfair," Changmin suddenly said from his position between Junsu and Yunho. "Don’t us humans get a say in the matter?"

Sadness enveloped Jaejoong’s eyes and heart. "You know we are doing this to protect you and Junsu, Minnie. All of our decisions are based off of everyone’s opinion and feelings."

Changmin crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, "Well, I don’t like this plan."

"We have no other choice," Yunho said, his own voice low with sadness that even Yoochun was shocked to hear. "We cannot allow the children to come near this house, not with you two here being protected by an injured pup."

The snarl ripped from his throat instantly. "Yoochun!" Junsu cried as he pushed his lover back. Jaejoong was pushing Yunho away from the table as well, his dark, enraged eyes boring into Yunho’s soul as he bellowed, "Behave yourself!" for everyone to hear.

There was a long, stony silence.

"Yoochun is part of this family now no matter how much dislike and hate that boils within your heart. There is no reason for insults, not even the pointless, selfish ones like the one you just pulled off right now. Stop acting so immature Yunho and start acting responsibly!"

"I do not want Changmin under the protection of him Jaejoong!" Yunho surprisingly shouted back, his voice freezing Changmin on his very spot. It was baffling.

Absolutely, 100% baffling.

Jaejoong and Yunho arguing.

"You know as well as I do that I do not enjoy the feeling of leaving my loved ones behind while danger completely envelops them from all sides. But despite werewolves being are lifelong enemy, Yoochun is someone who I trust, someone I can entrust my loved ones too so I can worry a little less. He has proven his trust to us by leaving Junsu in our care. I think it is more than fair to return the favor and entrust our Changmin to him!"

Yunho’s eyes narrowed, the emotions raging within them unable to be described in words. Changmin was still frozen in shock at the way his two lover’s were…well, arguing, and Yoochun had Junsu’s body pressed tightly into his side in a guarded manner.

Everyone was watching the two vampires argue the matter out.

It ended just as quickly as it came though. The sudden shift in the tense atmosphere causing Changmin to doubletake because suddenly Yunho was sitting up with Jaejoong in his arms, guilt and sadness a complete mask upon his face.

"I’m sorry…" the handsome vampire murmured into Jaejoong’s black hair.

The angel stroked the skin underneath his lover’s shirt; his fingers splayed upon his biceps. "It is not your fault. I understand this is hard for you."

It was like they didn’t know they had an audience, like the world only had those two in it.

That changed immediately when Yunho looked up to lock his eyes with Changmin; a silent apology sent his way with one look. The brunette shook his head, whispering, "There is nothing to be sorry for."

Then Yunho looked to Yoochun, the half-wolf’s posture tight and firm beside Junsu’s smaller figure.

It was a long, silent look.

And somehow Junsu understood it even though no one spoke a word.

‘Take care of him. Of them.’

Yoochun simply nodded.

‘I will.’

. : : . : : . : : .

They left the moment rain began to patter upon the roof and glisten outside the windows. Somehow, some weak cloud was letting the sun shine its brilliant light onto the crying earth. It was like rays of hope in the grayest of matters. The short-lived rays of hope disappearing as the figures of Changmin’s lovers disappearing out the front door.

Changmin hated this plan, this everyone knew.

"They will be back by tonight, Min," Junsu said as he tried to comfort his friend. He wanted to add, ‘Trust me, I understand what you are feeling now’ bit but decided not too. It was best to let the sentence hang simply in the air, letting it remain like a guarantee rather than a doubt.

Changmin stared at Junsu in mild disbelief, but deep down he was grateful for the comfort. It was not but 24 hours ago that he was comforting Junsu in such a way when Yoochun was still gone. And so, he allowed his redheaded friend to drag him into the living room where Yoochun was sitting upon the couch, wide awake according to his stiff posture.

But he wasn’t. That half-wolf had his head down just barely, giving away the fact that he was asleep.‘!

‘Well that was quick’ he thought.

"Yoochun needs a nap," whispered Junsu as the redhead led them back out into the kitchen. The sat down upon opposite chairs and fell into an awkward silence. Junsu’s mind immediately replayed this morning’s incidents over and over again like it was some broken record player, causing familiar heat to rush to his cheeks. He fidgeted nervously upon his seat; his eyes looking everywhere but at Changmin.

"It’s okay Su," said the brunette suddenly.

"What?" Junsu asked, looking up as if he were a deer caught in the headlights.

Changmin smiled. "About this morning, you and Yoochun…I can tell you are freaking out about it, so I just want to assure you that it’s okay. Though, I’m not exactly sure what’s okay except that I know it’s okay. Yeah…that makes no sense."

Junsu giggled, feeling relief wash over him like a sudden cold shower during slow mornings. Changmin began to chuckle with him, and soon the two friends were back to being best buddies. Junsu produced a deck of cards from somewhere, allowing the two to advance in a couple games of poker and magic tricks; magic tricks Changmin learn from his dear Jaejoong.

He’s still not giving out any secrets.

They played over what seemed to be a hundred different games before a sudden weariness reached Changmin’s eyes and a yawn escaped his lips. Junsu smiled fondly as his friend and gently patted the brown head. "You want a nappy too?" he inquired in a baby-like tone. Changmin swatted his hand away as another yawn assaulted him. It felt like days since Jaejoong and Yunho left, but after checking the clock on the wall it realized it had only been merely two hours.

"I don’t know why I’m so tired," Changmin murmured as he stretched his arms above his head. "Maybe its because of the lack of…anything for these past few weeks."

Junsu nodded his head in understanding. "We’ve missed out on a ton of school."

"And work," said Changmin.

"Tablo probably loathes us."

The brunette grinned. "Or, he can’t wait to hear from us again so he could literally beat the shit from our brains with a smile on his face."

"That…does not sound comforting."

"I would never allow that to happen though."

Both Junsu and Changmin whirled around to see Yoochun standing in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe actually. "Dammit, warn us next time," Changmin breathed as he tried to regain a normal heartbeat.

Yoochun grinned at Changmin before making his way toward Junsu, a limp in his step. The redhead immediately went to his side, murmuring, "You shouldn’t be up," as he helped Yoochun to a seat beside his own. "Did you have a nice nap?" he asked in an all too sweet voice.

Changmin mock-gagged in front of his friend, giggling when the redhead reached over to slap his head but missed. Yoochun watched the exchange in silence, comfortable silence. He was happy to see the playfulness in his love’s expression.

It was much better than exhaustion and weariness.

"What were you two doing?" the half-wolf asked as he stared down at the cards upon the table.

"Playing games," Junsu replied. "Do you want to try?"

Yoochun shrugged. "I don’t know any games involving cards."

"Seriously?" Changmin gasped in disbelief. "Not even War?"

Yoochun simply shook his head, the action adorable in Junsu’s eyes. The redhead began to gather the cards from the table and shuffle them.

"Well then, we’ll teach you!"

And so they did.

Yunho and Jaejoong returned that night with no news of the children. That, all in all, his both heavenly and pure hell.

next: part 19

…………………….comments are like valuable hockey pucks!

a/n 2: LJ is being a hardcore bitch, so I will have to come back and re-edit this chapter the next time I have available internet. Sorry if this confused you guys *le bows again*

yunjaemin, dbsk, yoosu, warmth, fanfic

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