Holy Hell

Jan 29, 2007 20:36

This is a conversation Logan and I had in MAY OF 2006. its scary how right we were on things the 360 didnt start selling until it got a killer app (Gears of War) PS3 launch was terrible and the Wii apparently has a hidden feature to print money. Plus there are some funny parts in here. But its just amazing to think how right we were about stuff with few exeptions. And I havent heard anything about warhammer in a while. Plus how right on nintendo was with their strategy, and how no one still is utilizing PS3's motion controls
i r rooner: yes
i r rooner: so
i r rooner: LoZ:TP
i r rooner: which one are you gonna buy?
improver6634: i would like to get the wii
improver6634: but i probably wont for money purposes
improver6634: which will also be the same for the GC
improver6634: so the short answer is neither
improver6634: cause i am poor
i r rooner: nice
improver6634: yeah i guess
improver6634: i barely got kh2
i r rooner: yeah
i r rooner: i am almost out of cash as well
i r rooner: i need a jorb
improver6634: you should do something like that
i r rooner: i wanted to look this week
i r rooner: but the showcase will not allow it
i r rooner: too much rehersals and other bull
i r rooner: so
i r rooner: activision bought red octane
improver6634: yep
i r rooner: i hope they dont somehow fuck up guitar hero
improver6634: heh, they start puttin turok music into it
i r rooner: and i cry
i r rooner: like a small child
i r rooner: http://www.joystiq.com/2006/05/09/dual-shake-functionality-tacked-on-at-last-minute/
i r rooner: duhh.... really?
improver6634: i didnt even read the article and i know what it means
improver6634: lets see......originally controller was boomerang.....people didnt like it....
improver6634: nintendo has motion functionality....everyone likes it......
improver6634: hmmm
i r rooner: developers admit that they have only know about the ps3 motion sensor for about a week and a half
improver6634: well
i r rooner: that is about a week longer than I would have guessed
improver6634: apparently because sony lost that lawsuit about their rumble technology, the dualshock 3 will not fetuer rumble tech
improver6634: feature*
i r rooner: sony is becoming a joke
improver6634: yeah, e3 last year was relatively quiet on all fronts but this year they seem to be flatlining
i r rooner: 600$ console
improver6634: and its gonna give microsoft the opening it needs to try and get back into it after teh xbox 360 failed
i r rooner: no real release date
improver6634: well not really failed
improver6634: but not did as well
i r rooner: it is pretty much bombing
i r rooner: it is selling, yes
i r rooner: but not as well as a new console should
i r rooner: because nothing is moving it
i r rooner: no killer app
improver6634: not so much because its a new console, but it didnt get recieved the way microsoft was expecting
improver6634: they were expecting crowds the size of the halo 2 release
improver6634: and they got crowds the size of the bible game
i r rooner: ha
i r rooner: ownd
i r rooner: but still
i r rooner: crappy turn out
i r rooner: no killer app
i r rooner: way too expensive for casual gamers
improver6634: yep
i r rooner: which is why the wii is still winning
i r rooner: and it isnt even out yet
improver6634: i never thought i really understood nintendos position that catering to hardcore gamers will kill you, until the pricing for the new systems came out
improver6634: only the hardcore will shell out that much, and even some of the hardcore wont
improver6634: the wii is gonna be the system that everyone will play because they can, its cheap, and its something anyone can do and still be fun
i r rooner: when halo 3 came out the hardcore dorks will buy it
improver6634: its like enlightenment
improver6634: yeah
improver6634: enlightenwii
i r rooner: but that isn't until 07
i r rooner: halo 3 that is
improver6634: i would like to play it, but there is no chance i am shelling out that much money for a 360 even if the price drops
i r rooner: yeah
i r rooner: if something really awesome came out of it and it got dropped to 200 or less then i might
i r rooner: but there is no chance as of now
i r rooner: at least Big N will have the Wii out by christmas
i r rooner: i doubt the ps3 will be out by then
i r rooner: and if it is, it will be surrounded by massive failures
i r rooner: hardware and software failures
improver6634: i bought the xbox solely for halo 2, i have one other game for it and when it was cheap
improver6634: i dont even play it that often
i r rooner: sucker
improver6634: xbox 360 would have to cure cancer and give blowjobs at the same time for me to buy it soley for halo 3
i r rooner: cancerless blowjobs
improver6634: i only play my xbox for live, and you dont need a 360 for live
improver6634: my ps2 is for single player games
improver6634: and my gc is for multiplayer in house
improver6634: xbox is mulitplayer when i am alone
i r rooner: of course
improver6634: so very alone
i r rooner: hold me
i r rooner: in other news
i r rooner: There is no I in Wii
improver6634: my head asplode
i r rooner: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
i r rooner: the standard wii controller
improver6634: and i am totally over the outrage portion of the Wii namechange
i r rooner: not the wiimote
i r rooner: yeah
improver6634: now i just like making phrases using wii
i r rooner: i've accepted it
improver6634: and using them
improver6634: like wiimote
i r rooner: but seriously
i r rooner: the japanese wii site showed a pic of the normal controller for the wii
improver6634: link?
i r rooner: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2006/wii/controller.html
i r rooner: last pic at the bottom of the page
i r rooner: it's like a round snes controller
i r rooner: with analog sticks
improver6634: i like it
improver6634: yeah
improver6634: very retro
improver6634: looks cool
i r rooner: very sexy hot
improver6634: i am still a bit weary of the senser bars. like i could break them of forget about them, or not a have a good placement for them
i r rooner: the thing in front of the tv?
improver6634: yeah
improver6634: and on top of it
i r rooner: my gaming area seems perfectly set for it
improver6634: the picture says sensa-ba- on it
i r rooner: sensaballs
improver6634: its in katakana
improver6634: and i can read it
i r rooner: dude
improver6634: like the one that says nenchaku, then says nunchuck underneath it
i r rooner: have you seen the excite truck stuff
i r rooner: ?
improver6634: no
improver6634: but i must pee
improver6634: hang on
i r rooner: no
i r rooner: you hang on
i r rooner: you're the one peeing
improver6634: ok
improver6634: so excite my truck?
i r rooner: you hold the wiimote like you would a normal controller
i r rooner: d pad on the left buttons on the right
improver6634: yeah
i r rooner: but you steer the truck by turning the mote
improver6634: cool
i r rooner: not the d pad
i r rooner: it just makes so much sense
i r rooner: my mom will love that
improver6634: aye that it does
i r rooner: she is always flailing while playing games
improver6634: seriously the wii has just got better and better
improver6634: hehe
improver6634: jokes
i r rooner: seriously
i r rooner: something terrible would have to happen to ruin this
improver6634: like this:
improver6634: WII LAUNCH DATE:
i r rooner: Q4 06
improver6634: Nintendo: SUPRISE there is no new console, we are getting out of hardware and making only games now
i r rooner: oh
i r rooner: pulling a sega
improver6634: and not just any games, dog sims! and peach platformers
i r rooner: sexist platformers?
improver6634: sex platformers
i r rooner: MY FAVORITE!
i r rooner: 2x
i r rooner: i should finish my homework
i r rooner: like soon
improver6634: maybe
improver6634: and of course
improver6634: there are also things i downright dont understand
improver6634: why is microsoft making a game for teh Wii?
i r rooner: because the wii doesnt like crappy games?
improver6634: ....
improver6634: i guess
improver6634: i still dont get why microsoft is making a game exclusively for wii
i r rooner: are you fucking with me?
i r rooner: because I am too tired for sarcasm
improver6634: no
improver6634: profect hammer
improver6634: cough
improver6634: project hammer
improver6634: its a microsoft mechwarrior game
improver6634: for the wii
i r rooner: hmm
improver6634: well
i r rooner: i remember hearing about the game but not being too interested in it
improver6634: kinda mechwarrior
improver6634: i like ign's description page for the game
improver6634: here is all is says.
improver6634: "Swing a giant hammer and destroy things."
i r rooner: sounds about right
improver6634: http://revolution.ign.com/articles/706/706715p1.html
improver6634: how odd,
improver6634: microsoft has their entire area at e3
improver6634: then have to have a booth in the nintendo area for this one game
improver6634: its a spy network i tell you
i r rooner: those dogs
i r rooner: i guess MS figured out they are bombing and want some of that sweet sweet wii cash
improver6634: maybe
improver6634: it still seems odd to me
i r rooner: "Well we fucked up the 360 launch, what do we do now?"
improver6634: but i think it would be slightly cool if there were more inter company cooperation
i r rooner: "the wii is probably going to kick out ass, let's invest in them."
i r rooner: "BRILLIANT"
improver6634: althought i cannot possibly think of any other first party games from other companies that people would want on their systems
improver6634: plenty of third party
i r rooner: Nintendo and Sony have some good first party stuff
i r rooner: MS seems to be lagging
i r rooner: ha
i r rooner: lagging
i r rooner: i just got that
improver6634: ha
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