Fanfiction Recommendation: Crossover: Title: Shiver, Whisper, Cringe by FaithUnbreakable

Apr 15, 2008 23:54

Title: Shiver, Whisper, Cringe by FaithUnbreakable

Summary: Gifts, especially those given by Magic itself, are never free and the price is one none of them ever asked to pay but they must. And that's all there is to it.

Rating: PG-15 (I think)


Status: Complete

My Rating: 5 out of 5

Why its on this list/Explanation: Its official. Everything she writes makes me cry. Like straight through too. So sad. She writes so beautiful and poetically you FEEL the words in your soul. Its funny cause I’m like “I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry” then I start to sniffle shortly followed by the tears. Just like gone is my resolve and I succumb to the tears. This story is so pretty word wise. Its perfect in a way where you believe really BELIEVE. Its an odd kinda “Wat?!” on the pairing cause you’re not sure but either way its still…it still touchs you. And the end oh my lord the end is with out a doubt one of the few endings that I can say that I love. There are only five stories I like the ending, really LIKE the endings and didn’t come to like them. She wrote now two of the five stories that made that list.

Endnote: Those five stories are, FaithUnbreables Lily Dying and Shiver, Whisper, Cringe, Romaine’s Double Edge Sword, Lexywrites The Ballad of Harry P, and Nishizono’s I Wager. There’s also Cactus Angels by Lucilla Darkate but that was an ending I had to have time to get use too.

fanfiction:hp_fanfic, books:harry_potter, fanfiction:fic_rec, fanfiction:crossover, fanfiction:harry_potter

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