Title: Four Ways Sakura Could Have Met Brooklyn (Plus One Way She Did)
firefox1490 Summary: Four ways Sakura could have met Brooklyn during the course of her life. Plus how she actually did met Brooklyn.
Rating: PG-13 (For sexual undertones)
Disclaimer: Takao Aoki owns Brooklyn, I’m just borrowing him for the time. Sakura is mine. No money is being made from this story. Its solely for my own amusement and entertainment and to better my skills as a writer.
A/N: I’ve never been to Japan or Russian but I’d think that to get from Japan to England you’d have at least one connecting flight as Asia and Russia are so large that you’d have to stop at least once for refueling, Russia which is unto it self large enough to be its own continents. And because I’ve never been I don’t know exact flight times so I’m guesstimating.
Sakura could have met Brooklyn on a plane. She would have been six, he would have been seven. She would have been moving from Japan to England. He would have been returning from visiting his father in Russia.
They would have met because Sakura’s flight had a connection in Russia. Brooklyn would have boarding the plane. She would have been separated from her parents by some odd twist of fate, he would have been flying alone because his father didn’t want to see his mother.
Brooklyn would have boarded the plane, ready to sleep the four and a half hours away. Sakura would have been wide awake, having slept the past two hours awake. He would have trudged to his seat, like a prisoner to his execution, hoping that who ever his seat mate was they’d leave him alone. He would have come to his seat and found it empty. He’d make him comfortable in the middle seat, leaving the window seat open to stretch out on. He would have been making himself comfortable when Sakura would have come back from the bathroom.
“Hi, I’m Sakura,” she would say to him. He’d jump, he’d never hear her come up behind him, “Can I have the window seat?” she’d ask. That would have been were she’d been sitting since the plane took off from Japan. He would nod dumbly, he had no words for he thought she was thee most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He would have stayed awake just to watch her. She would have chattered about nothing important just to fill the time. They would have discovered that they were both going to London.
When they got off the plane they would have exchanged phone numbers, address and emails. They would become best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, lovers and later husband and wife.
But…this isn’t how they met. They were in fact on the same plane on the same day simply they were not next to one another. Yumi being as young as she was, didn’t not want to part from her sister, so when she found she was not seated next to Sakura she threw a hissy fit until she was moved. Hence Sakura was sitting next to Yumi on the flight from Russia to England and not Brooklyn. In fact Brooklyn’s ended up having two whole seats to himself, one where Sakura should have been.
(Word Count: 399)