Jan 12, 2006 14:33
Ah, final exams. Got to love them... they're never as hard as teachers make them out to be, and when I don't have to do terribly well on most of them anyway, and there's half-days on the Thursday and Friday, and there isn't homework (except study, which I'm not doing anyway) - yep, finals are good.
The spring musical is getting started - I'm going to be working on the crew, probably paint crew. I've heard it's a lot of fun.
My English teacher is still retarded. Let's see... the other day, she could not seem to grasp the concept that "molten" (as in molten lava) comes from the word "melt." She wanted to ascribe it to the word "molt," which one of my classmates was futilely trying to explain meant something completely different. And despite our explanations, she still had someone look it up in the dictionary, and then still did not get it. Argh. And today she kept talking during our final, which was extremely distracting. And *during the final* she informs us that we are going to want to reread a book we read during the summer because we're going to be writing an essay about it at the start of the next semester. Ah, yeah, thanks for letting us know. And she threw away our poetry tests that we took about two months ago, saying she was going to give them back sometime closer to the final so that we could study. Ha, yeah, that happened. Okay, I'll stop now.
Just the other day I finished the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman, and found it quite good. The last book, about 500 pages, I read in two days. I do not agree with a lot of the concepts in it, but found it an interesting story as fantasy nevertheless.
Saturday was supposed to be our youth group ski trip, but it got too warm. (You finally want it cold and it's warm. Go figure.) So it's been rescheduled to February sometime.