Aug 31, 2005 21:48
Well it looks like the coast is clear... of everything. It's insane trying to describe to people in the Portland the devastation that a hurricane can have on a community especially when they don't watch the news.
All I know is that all of my family in Long Beach, Mississippi is safe and I can only hope that the same is true for my friends. My uncle stayed in Diamondhead and called me en route to Pensacola where my aunt lives saying that all of my families houses in Mississippi are still standing. I guess that's one big miracle considering that most people lost a lot when Katrina came to town.
My prayers are with you all from Portland, OR to Mississippi and New Orleans.
I'm volunteering Mardi Gras to be held in Portland this year. I had Mike at the Belmont Inn learn to make Hurricane's in celebration last night of my family being ok. We can do Mardi Gras here this year :)