Times are a changing

Mar 21, 2005 23:19

It's actually pretty funny. My room mate Craig said to me yesterday when I picked him up at work in my new wheels. He said that he must be growing up. Before his friends would but cars and they would be 1976 impala's for $300 and now his friends are buying sedan's and making payments of $300 a month. Haha. I thought it was pretty funny.

Work is getting a little ... muh blahnah. That's the only safe way to describe it. Ever since becoming a supervisor I never expected it to be easier, but I definately didn't expect to be back on the phones for half of my day. I have to do 20 hours of phone time this week in addidtion to all my administrative tasks. Looks like I'll be working long days. 8am-10pm days. Woot. Wednesday I have a 3 hour training class and then 4 hours of phone time... and 8 hours of supervisor work. Good thing I'm salary now.

Oh, and I have to get my Orgeon driver's license this week. Hah. I still have my Mississippi one. tee hee.

I can't complain though and I hope it doesn't look like I am complaining. I really do love my job. I love the people I work with. The last two hours of my day I spent talking to everyone in an irish accent the slipped into cockney every now and again. I did this to my agents not customers on the phone. Although, on my last day being Irish might be phone.

or drunk... same difference :)


P.S. To any Irish people I have offended... piss off and kiss my blarney stone.

P.S.S. I am Irish.
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