Welcome to
firefly-signal, wherein we hope to link fan activity and news from across the fandom in one location. We hope you find this newsletter useful and spread the word.
Firefly one of shows included in University of Utah's "Smart TV" class
Joss Whedon's "Write Environment" interview airing on KCET, Los Angeles, tonight
Morena Baccarin to attend Sci-Fi Expo's "Women of Sci-Fi" con, Plano, Texas, January 29-30, 2011
The Very Small Girl and the Monster by
snickfic(Crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Gen [PG]
Aristotle by
cedelede Jayne/River [PG13]
Nothing new today
A Christmas Carol by
The Frisky Firelily Jayne/River [T]
I Never Told You by
Sammie Spy Mal/Inara [K+]
A World Without Hope by
The Frisky Firelily Gen [K]
Oops! by
The Frisky Firelily Gen, Multiple Pairings [T]
The Song by
The Frisky Firelily Gen, Multiple Pairings [T]
Out of Control Ch 1/? by
Luna Kompton Gen [K+]
Taken Ch 11-14/? by
C. watherston Gen [T]
The Regent by
Goddess of Birth (Crossover with Pitch Black) Gen [T]
8 icons by
0_0dbo-O MFP (Graphics Heavy)
Round 16
Category &
Artist's Choice voting at
whedon20in20 (All links graphics heavy & contain at least 1 Firefly icon)
Round 17
Category &
Artist's Choice voting at
whedon20in20 (All links graphics heavy & contain at least 1 Firefly icon)
Theme of the day:
The Four Elements at
comment-fic Miscellaneous:
River Tam doll at Whedoncraft
Firefly amigurumi dolls via Great White Snark
Malcolm Reynolds makes Crushable.com's Gallery: "The Hot Guys of Hard Sci-Fi and Fantasy"
Summer Glau at the premiere of "The Cape", via Summer Glau.net
If we missed anything, let us know, and we'll include it in tomorrow's edition. You can comment here, or email us at firefly[dot]signal[at]googlemail[dot]com.