Wednesday - The Four Elements

Jan 05, 2011 07:32

Hello everyone, I'm still crimson_antics and this is my third day of hosting.

Today's theme is The Four Elements. Your prompts can be about fire, water, earth, air, or a combination of those.

Don't forget the rules:
* Three prompts per fandom, and no more than five total. If one of your prompts is filled, you may post another.
* No spoilers for new shows/seasons until at least one week after airing.
* If your fill do contains spoilers, please warn accordingly and leave enough space for people to pass by.

Please think of our codemonkeys and use the following format for your prompts:
* Supernatural, Lucifer +/ Michael, Heaven on fire.
* Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid, Earthquake.
* SGA/SG-1, John/Cam, Up in the air.

If none of today's prompts inspire you, feel free to browse through the Lonely Prompts.

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