So yeah first of all I have to say that
I can honestly say that seeing him preform live and up close really had am impact on me.. he really cares for his fans and it shows with the energy of the shows.. of course it doesn't hurt that he is a total cutie!!
Ok so on Friday I had to get up early to get to MTV by noon to see him.. here is how my entire day went......
I went to mtv aound noon and there were already tons of people out there waiting in line. I was one of a couple people that go to go inside to see him though and omg was it great. We were standing in a line outseide the doors to trl waiting and then rain comes out to go to the back room and everyone went nuts. He looked sooo good. When we got to go inside the stage was all set up and we were instrusted on how the show was going to be filmed. It was soo cute though when rain preformed his first song, he messed up because he couldn't hear the music and he kept saying he was sorry. I LOVE HEARING HIS ENGLISH!! He preformed and had soo much energy. He preformed 3 songs.. haha I loved when he did "I do" and started shaking his ass at the end if only i were a bit closer haha... Then there was an interview. He answered in Endligh for it and again everytime he talked everyone went nuts :-p JYP came out and taalked as well and introduced Omarion who came out and hugged Rain. Rain told us that him and Omarion and him have a special suprise for all the fans but wouldn't say ( Omarion was at the friday concert and again they said stuff about a surprise coming up soon but didn't say whoat or when) Omarion left and then Rain went to the back rooms while we were told to sit down for the Q&A part of the show. Fans could ask Rain questions but haha before the show this guy came out and gave people the questions to ask. Anyway durring one of the question segments Rain came over to the stage and was standing right infornt of me hah I wanted to reach out and touch him.. :-p the girl next to me kinda poked him but this guy came over and said no touching haha. Anyway Rain was so sweet he turned around and shook our hands and smiled.. he is way too cute. I got to shake his hand twice and he even said thanks for coming :) he was asked 5 questions by fans and it was cute when he answered in English.. i remember one question was about how he was like as a litle boy and all he said was "ordiany boy" another question was what whould he be doing if he wasn't a singer.. and he said "Student" then they asked him what he would be studying and i guess he didn't understand because for a second he looked confused.. but JYP was there translating for him and he said "Singing" After the Q&A They did a few promps for the show I think like 4 maybe and then it was over and again RAIN WALKED AROUND SHAKING HANDS AND SAYING THANKYOU. he was SUPER cute. MTV news will have something on the mtv world special but MTV CHI will air it for sure along with all the other MTV asia ones. They are trying to get MTV here to play it I hope they will!
ooo well there is actually a video of the mtv thing on youtube.. but it' s not the entire show just sections. I AM IN IT THOUGH lol like for a few seconds but I'm there hahah anyway here is the link. I hope someone puts the entire thing up there I will be hoping. Well being at MTV wasnt the only rain encounter.. I did end up going to the concert and wow it was.... wow. I know on the first night P.diddy came out but I went on the second...
lol alright J-Lim opened for Rain she sang 2 songs.. Now this girl has a voice on here.. people were calling her the Korean Alicia Keys.. and you know what.. I would agree.. she sang one song on her own then went stright to the piano for the second. GREAT VOICE!! o so after her the real concert begins...
Rain pops out from a trap door on the stage and the crowd goes crazy.. he was soooo hot haha and he was wearing the same outfit he had on at mtv earlier...*drools* (go look at that link to see his outfit)
and then the concert... he sings a song or 2 starting with It's raining and then out of another trap door... OMARION pops out... Now this would have been super exciting but like he only danced with rain for like 3 seconds then he jumps back down the trap door... hahaok so back to the concert afterwards... so Bi's learnign english and he's so cute speaking it a little hard to understand but he's getting there ^_^ He liked to say "yo chechk it out" A LOT haha. Oh I remember he started out saying "I've been so naughty." Lol all I could do was alugh.. he sounded sooo cute but I wondered if he actually ment to say that... Anyway says he's lonely o so lonely and needs a gf...then you know he walks down and asks who wants to be his girl. He then pick one special girl from the front and sings cha jah yoh. It was really cute.. the girl got a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge teddy bear and a kiss on the cheek from him.. not to mention he sat next to her and put his arms around her.. ahhh if only that girl had been meeeee.. lol JYP, his producer, sings too to give Rain a chance to change his wardrobe n rest. Then he calls rain back out with Omarion to talk and tell us fans that they will be working together on something "specila" as rain put it. Ahh but the best part of the cocnert was deff when Rain came out singing and then opened his shirt as water was falling on him. droool.... n he takes off his shirt drool.... wit the water ... ... *cough cough* well you can imagine right? ;-) The rest of the concert was just soo full of energy and hot dancing and then rain sand a special song for his mother and told everyone after "Never hesitate to say I love you."
and so of couser the crowd went and said i love you to rain hha. but it was very touching to see him sing that song for her.. I had put soooo much emotion in that song..*sighs* Um.. well I guess I'll just end this now seeing how it's super long. I will put pictures up when i get home hhaha(at work on lunch break)
I just have to say though that I can't believe I hadn't heard Rain's stuff earlier. It wasn't untill my friend Kwon had given me some of his music and telling me about him, that I actually started listening and becoming interested with him and the music. Seeing him live though.. honestly it was a dream :-)