I think maybe I should post in shifts...

Aug 02, 2006 10:24

I know, I know...it's been forever since I've made a post and there is a lot to tell. You all know I finished off the Spring with a 3.06. My current Summer GPA is 3.57 (thanks to an A in Stat 121). Grades for the Summer are:
PSYC 380- B (Final)
STAT 121- A (Final)
ENGL 347- B (Current-3 more weeks to go)
PHED 156- ? (it's Billiards...I'm getting my ass kicked, but I suppose I'll pass)

In addition, my TA for STAT 121 is teaching STAT 351 in the Fall. Hmmm...I told her I'd think about it, and she told me that she wanted to show me the textbook first. "Honestly, I worry that you might be bored. You have a great grasp on the concepts here, but I'm afraid that you'd take the class and be bored beyond belief." So I looked at the book, and yes it is a lot of what I've already done (we'd only be going to chapter 10 in that book), but it has 3 chapters on Probability and I haven't had much experience with Probability theory. Sure, I may be a geek who likes doing numerical summaries and standard deviations by hand, but probability is fun too. If I do end up doing anything in stat (quantitative psych, etc.), I think I'll complete the extra classes for the BS in Stat.
I am still working hard on the GPA front. I've managed to pull it up to a semi-acceptable level, but I still have a long way to go. I graduate in May (possibly, still considering this one. I can graduate, but I won't be able to get into any grad schools yet b/c of my GPA). I have to practice for and take the GREs. I know I won't be able to get my GPA up to the standards for UMAB grad school, but I plan on applying to several grad schools (SUNY, Fordham, UIUC, etc.) for quantitative psychology. I really like this subject. Kinda strange, isn't it? Now that I've finally (after five years) found what I'm really interested in, things start to look up. I'm getting As and Bs, studying and working hard. Well, enough of that.
Work...ah yes, work. Work has been OK, up until today. I was looking online for jobs where I could have guaranteed hours each week...and guess what I found? TWO, that's right, TWO job openings in the ED at Harbor. Yes, they are full-time, but I have been asking for full-time for the past EIGHT MONTHS!! I mean, seriously, what do I have to do to get a permanent position?? There is a tech (ED2) who is going to be out of work for a while, and I can totally pick up her hours until she gets back, but other techs have jumped on them before I could. Even though I was given the option first and expressed my interest and availability to my supervisor. If I don't get one of these positions (soon), I will look into the other job openings I saw online. This is ridiculous (on the upside, I did get that company-wide pay increase, so now I'm up to making $13.33/hour. Yay.).
Oh yeah...about money. See the next post about my car...this one is getting terribly long.

life, school

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